what can i do for you? ah, yes. roll out the red carpet. our contest winners are here at last. not really. i've found peices of guys like you in his stool. i don't have a problem in the world. built in 1948 for a member of the rockefeller clan. the tile work was imported from spain. a lot of history in these walls. judy garland stayed here. hemmingway fished for marlin right off that dock -- it'll outlive you, i'm sure. you're in 201 and 202. not at all. those are our honeymoon suites. honeymoon suites. i take it you kids haven't exchanged vows, yet? and, while you're here, our marginally trained, off-season staff of five will attend to your every need. july fourth weekend. storm season starts today. the clouds roll in like clockwork. it's our version of winter. 201 and 202. there's scrabble and parcheesi in the lobby. enjoy. i don't find this at all funny. i knew you people were goining to be trouble. i knew from the first time i laid eyes on you. who? who is here? in the morning we'll talk to derrick, the "dockhand guy," and put the whole thing to rest. now, let's slow down on the dark and stormies and get some sleep. not possible, i'm afraid. the last ferry left hours ago. and we got a storm coming. there won't be another one for days. 'tis the season, like i told you. it's a big one. phones went down a few minutes ago. duh. the next couple of days is gonna be rough, but we'll make it. sorry. emergencies only. i'd call this four spoiled city kids who wouldn't know a hurricane if it blew up their butts. all we can do now is batten down and ride it out. if things get really bad, there's a storm shelter.