i thought you were out of town! i thought you were out of town! i just wanted your black pants, but i'm not ready to die for them! no. when i put these skinny pants on my body. now, that's heart attack time. yeah, right -- whatever. listen to me, julie. ray's a great guy, nothing against old ray, but he's so. ray. i mean, he lives in southport. will's a nice guy, too, and he lives right down the street. yet. nothing yet. fine, then be fat, ugly, and depressed. i don't think so. it's pretty crowded. if you can say all you gotta say in a minute then i don't wanna hear it. ask her to dance. say yes. no means yes. come on, i'll take a break and we'll all dance. nope. i told him that you absolutely, positively would not be here at this bar between ten o'clock and eleven o'clock tonight. and then he came anyway. julie, people who end up making rules like that end up beating their kids with wire hangers. it's a fact. would you relax? we've been dating three months. he ain't stalking your butt. i know it, and it feels good. hi, ty. mark in the morning! magic 96.7! oh my god! i'm karla. karla wilson. jules, it's mark in the morning. well, i'm in school and -- yes! brazil? um. still here. thinking. you mean brazil, the country? rio de janeiro! no. yes? waaaaahhhhhhhhhh! i won. i won. i won, i won, i won. now, let's see. there's tyrell, that's one. and, there's my parents . and i got some cousins. okay, julie, you can come, but mark said four tickets. that means you gotta get yourself a date. you gotta sell his butt on the bahamas? that boy has got fish on the brain. hey, cheer up, charlie. we're going to the bahamas. bahama mama, yeah. girl, it's gettin' down to the wire. julie, you left four messages. four. he said he'd try. try is like maybe. try is nothing! work hard, huh? he's breaking your heart just because he can. and i don't want to have to say i told you so. hey, sorry. he's my friend, too. and that ticket is not going to waste. i said we start having fun. and that means now. where there's a will, there's a way. come on. we goin' bahamas, i'm ty's bahama mama. we goin' bahamas. honey, some folks just can't fly. no, i'm the king of the world. remind me to study real hard so someday this is normal and all that back there is somethin' i do for a weekend once every ten years. check it out. take a bath, maybe. hello? hello? checking in. karla wilson. oh, what? is that bad? julie, we're talkin' suites! that'll be just fine with us. wait. did you say off-season? ain't nothin' free in this world. everybody says it, and it's true. i wanted you all to have a good trip. oooh, the mainland -- we won a competition. rio, baby! their stuff in there. . and ours in here. i also promised tyrell. he's cute. and he's got a crush on you. but. ray made up his own mind. so, you're free to make up yours. they all start to look the same once you've worked in one. am i right, sister? to a great weekend -- so what do you do around here for fun? karaoke -- perfect. okay, i won't. oh, this ain't for me, baby, this is for somebody who really needs it. ah-hah! one single with extra cheese! yes. yes. ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for my friend, my very best friend, julie james. julie. tha's it. i've decided. i'm changing my major to finance. and going to wall street. 'cause that's the only way i'm ever gonna be able to afford a big bed like this. i spent a hundred bucks on it. even if it's just so you can pull it off. you sure you didn't pick up my hair tie? okay, i just didn't wanna get my hair wet. don't you get feisty. i used to be a lifeguard. i'd hate to have to blow my whistle. ty! how's julie? your not out yet, slugger. you gotta just get back up there and keep swingin'. think about this, julie. what did you actually see? what about a radio? what the hell would you call this? you get any sleep at all? hey -- hey, slow down, turn off the little motor up in there. what do you say we go to the gym and work off a little stress? i'll be givin' your fisherman some of that and see how he likes it. come on, vampira. i got just the thing for you. no, this is the safe sun. it's better than a day at the beach. exactly. just kidding. gee, karla. that'll break the machine. julie! i think we can classify this as an emergency situation. we gotta get out of here. now. there were boats here? refresh my memory, there were boats. oh, stop it! he's dead. you killed him. now, get over it. we gotta think here. julie. julie, we have to do something. julie, where are you going? come on, julie. you saw his room. what do you mean? i know i don't want to stay in here. be careful, julie. today's july fourth. julie, the boats are gone, the phones are down. there's no way off this place. why? he can't help us. are you crazy? we're not staying here on our own. maybe we should just wait here? hide in a tree? i'm your best friend. you could have told me the truth about what happened. i would've understood. it's too late for that. you think that's a good place to hide? ty! what do we do? oh, god, no -- oww. it's locked! please! hurry! hurry! come on!! julie, come on. i don't know. julie? i'm holding your hand! nancy? help's here. help's here. come on, come on. stops in the middle of her kamikaze attack, knife held out. oh, god, it's you -- is he?