my brother, can i interest you in the islands finest ganja? who be wantin' the kind, the uber- sticky, the bwana, the depth-charge, the up-all-night-laughing-with-your- friends? who wants it? 'cause titus got it. come on, man. everybody wants something. that's cold, but if that's how you want it. standing there smoking a spliff. fish are all over the water. come on, let us take a boat out. that's why you'll come with titus, mon. storm is what makes it interesting. thass why all the fish are up. less hook us a couple big ones. up-tighteous and self-righteous. surface in the pool next to them. no water sports after midnight. hotel policy. we got one for that, too. it's don't try until you buy. you don't buy any, you don't get any.