julie! wait! you okay? you sure? you don't seem fine. the shower again? i'm sorry. it just takes time, julie. it's gonna get better. it's. the anniversary. that's what's going on. take it easy on yourself. to get out of southport? nah. i'll probably just be here studying for finals. the joys of summer school. are you okay? are you sure? um. okay. bye. this was not my idea. i said, this. do you want a drink? how about a drink? you okay? julie, is everything cool? karla said. what if i don't have anything happy from childhood. sorry, i can't relax going five hundred miles an hour, or four thousand, four hundred feet a minute. which is over seven hundred feet a second. imagine hitting something at seven hundred feet a second. fumes build up in the fuel tanks. you can by surface-to-air missiles over the internet. planes use o-rings. which freeze in tap water. planes fall from the sky for practically no reason at all. right. planes get hit by lightning. they get hit by meteors. they hit other planes. you just gotta breathe. see, it's not a macho thing. it's about equilibrium in your inner ear. you could've used a patch, but it's too late now. get used to it. some folks just can't sail. hey, tyrell, we found you brother. no, thanks. and it's been blue skies all day. it might be perfect all weekend. forward! a girl needs time to make up his mind. julie, look, if it's cool, i'll sleep on the couch and they can have their own room to practice for that real honeymoon. i'll take those. you sure it's okay with you? you can toss a shoe at me if it gets out of hand. we didn't get all dressed up for nothing. the guy at the desk said the place would be quiet, not dead. so why are you still here? yeah, a great weekend. forget the weather! come on, it'll be fun. julie? what's wrong? what do you mean, julie? who yells and drops the flowers and champagne he was holding. the bottle bursts and covers them with spray. it's my fault. i shouldn't have. i didn't think. i scared you -- i crossed the line -- hey, you don't have to appologize to me. i'm the one. i understand. i'm going to take a walk and dry off. i just really like you and i want you to feel good about everything. you know? i want you to be happy. dork. how's the water? ahh, that feels great. alone. in the room. got any advise? what? what are you talking about? where? julie, you said you were tired. waybe you were dreaming. leave her alone. you don't have to be a jerk. they're all dead. dead, i tell you. ahhhh, we're all deaaaddddd. tyrellll, joinnnn usss. hello? there's nobody here, tyrell. you know, the greenhouse effect has caused the gulf stream to shift and almost every meteorological expert expects a dramatic increase in tropical depression -- i don't like to fish. looks in at the dog angrily charging the chain-link. he looks up at tyrell. come on. jump. i've got you. and do what with it? that's chlorine and muriatic acid. put the two together and you get cyanide. julie! julie? wanna tell us what is going on here? the porter. what's his name? old asbestos -- he's not here. let's go. we'll only be a second, okay? we found your voodoo crap -- how do we know you're not setting us up? where'd estes go? i'll go find him. he's probably the only one who can help us. it's okay. he couldn't have gone far. i'll catch up with you later. hey estes. estes? where'd you go? what -- ? pokes his head through. he's clutching a piece of wood as a weapon. it's you guys, thank god. is everyone okay? come on. we're gonna be okay. estes came after me with a gaffing hook. i guess so. when i was coming back i saw your slicker friend looking for you guys down by the water. let's hurry and get inside. you'll be okay. it's over. that's because it's not my blood. look at the bright side, jules. we finally get to spend some quality time together. me, me, me. it's always about you. i'm having bad dreams. i can't sleep. i'm not doing well in school. i'm having trouble with my boyfriend. we had a connection, didn't we? i can tell you one thing, though. ray didn't trust me. he was right. he's dead, but he was right. why? come on, julie. think. you'll get it. will benson -- ben's son. you gotta be kiddin' me. we haven't missed you down here, ray boy. i got to know julie real well.