paul? hey guy. things ok up there? you all right? well good. just confirming. you'll be on the 3:50 wednesday afternoon. lab experiments? right smart guy -- paul, you know your mother's gonna be disappointed not to see more of you -- in fact, let me make this more than a simple request guy, i think you should. hold on for a second. wendy, you want-to say hi to your brother? come on! hey, that's the president of the goddam united states you're talking about, wendy! ok, ok, the defense rests. want another? gotcha. his brother came back -- vietnam. the unitarian? the new one? he's either got his head in the clouds or up his -- hell! -- i mean, no problemo there mikey. here, i -- no, my job is just to analyze the entertainment stocks and advise our institutional investors on where to put their money. it's -- and as usual no one believed me. hey jim, next time you've got to fill me in on whatever it is you're up to these days. you'd think she'd learn how to cook a chicken, eh? my drumstick was still frozen when you cut inside there. i'm probably going to get whatever that disease -- and jim, how that guy ever became a millionaire -- hmm. i knew she'd still be up. watch this -- get to sleep young lady -- and i mean it. if i were a fascist i would have sent you to one of those southern military academies a long time ago. now get to bed. hey! hey, kiddo. sleep well, huh. good night kiddo. i wasn't star-- that shrink -- the one you always wanted me to see? i thought you dropped him. why shouldn't she be? then again, why should she be? i mean with us, with our. oh not again elena! if we've got problems, why can't you just come out and talk about them. yeah but elena, even you don't believe all that "i'm ok. you're ok" stuff you keep babbling about -- you say so yourself. i've been all ears for about ten years now on his subject, and -- elena. good night. but what, exactly, is stagflation, this mixture of inflation and stagnation, and how should we in the securities industry understand and accommodate it? well -- and i hope i'm not out of bounds here - think of the money supply as a large male organ, continuously inflating, and yet, the societal vaginal cavity simply wants more. as the vicious circle of higher returns without real satisfaction continues, the money-organ may seem to be in demand, but in fact even the most inflated capital is unwanted. this is why i suggest that while we engage this mawing abyss for the highest returns, we at the same time fantasize, so to speak, of the safe harbor of capital appreciation. george, i'm just trying to get a global view of things -- can't just look at the small picture. gotcha george, not a problem. tomorrow. hey, you want to start covering the old filmed entertainment sector yourself? overpriced bomb, cost over $6 million -- no stars, and no one's into the horror genre these days anyway. i'm advising the company recommend reducing positions there. it's disaster films that are gonna stay at the top. got a meeting uptown. up the organization! bastard. we don't have to always go to your club, dad. -- well what am i supposed to call you? i was actually trying to see about getting a little advice, you know -- you know, dah-- actually it's not about work, it's advice about -- well, elena and i have kind of been talking, not really talking, but -- but dad, you guys truly hated each other, i mean really hated each -- -- what advice? you never -- but. but i -- well maybe i love her. elena. we were golfing, and you know, golfing to me is something i'm supposed to enjoy, and i was on the goddam golf team in college, so it's something one would assume i do well -- i used to do well -- but basically these days golfing for me is like hoeing, or plowing. it's like farming. i am basically chewing up large tracts of expensively landscaped scenery with overpriced sticks, and george clair has obviously, in the mere two years since he joined the firm, he has obviously been taking secret lessons with a golf pro, and i assume the entirety of his disposable income has been devoted to humiliating me on the golf course. and the guy talks - incessantly -- throughout the entirety of the miserable 18 holes - on topics that are the supposed domain of my department -- yeah? you have a point there. that's a very good point. we're having an affair. right. an explicitly sexual relationship. your needs. my needs. you're absolutely right. gotcha. can't wait to see how it fits in with all the other instruments. you want to go? well, it is a neighborhood tradition. i'm, uh, going to bed. rough day. good night. oh yeah. musk, or something. you like it? alright dad. but you sold the house, you didn't tell anyone, including the irs, and i'd of certainly liked to have seen if there was any old stuff -- oh. elena wanted to know when we could expect you on thanksgiving. it's just going to be you this year. what? that was a joke? you don't tell jokes. elena. i need some help here if this thing's gonna defrost by tomorrow. here. you all right there? um, yes. i do. i'm -- are you? you know elena, i've been thinking-- you crying? whatever that means elena -- and you complain about me not communicating. i thought it was -- you have to bring this up now? what? did i do something here? is that it? is it something i did? hell, i know. i -- i guess if you want to accuse me, you've got -- oh hell! i've got to pick up paul. i almost forgot. yikes -- i was hoping to wear this thing to the halford's friday. what? hey there mikey, how's business? i'm picking up paul at the station - want to come? what you been up to? so how's school treating you? classes? grades? anyone special? you know. well it's good to see you -- we miss you around the house and all, but this st. peter's, it's top of the line, eh? you know paul, i've been thinking, maybe this is as good a time as any to have a little talk, you know, about -- well -- well, the whole gamut. facts of life and all. some fatherly advice, because, i tell you, there's things happening that you're probably old enough. well. for example, on the self-abuse front -- now this is important - it's not advisable to do it in the shower -- it wastes water and electricity and because we all expect you to be doing it there in any case -- and, um, not onto the linen, and not on your sister's underwear or any clothing belonging to your mother -- holy! well. if you're worried about anything, just feel free to ask, and, uh, we can look it up. all the more reason for this little heart to heart. great. um, paul. on second thought, can you do me a favor and pretend i never said any of that. thanks. stuffed and baking. anyone home? sure you will. well, it's great we can all be together. and this thanksgiving, no hysteria, no yelling, especially with grandpa not here, although we miss him. so let's do it right and actually, wendy, why don't you say grace. you used to love to say grace, remember. jesus all right enough! after the thanksgiving i had, i need it. you having one? you know, i think elena might suspect something. maybe it's all for the better, you know? yesterday, at dinner, well, she hasn't said anything. has she acted funny to you, i mean, have you noticed anything? yeah, but, i -- i've been working a lot lately, and -- no, that's not it. i guess we've just been on the verge of saying something, whatever it is, just saying something to each other. on the verge. huh? right. gotcha. janey? janey? shit. water bed! dig it! what the hell are you kids doing down here? what do i think? i think you're probably touching each other. i think you're touching that reckless jerk-off, for god's sake, and i think he's trying to get into your slacks. i think, at fourteen years of age, that you're getting ready to give up your girlhood -- don't you direct a single word at me, mikey. i don't want to hear it. i'll be speaking with your parents about this situation very soon. bet your ass on that, son. young lady? who else would i be talking to? and take that thing off! i'm not interested in your smart ass remarks now, lady. let's go. right now. you and i can discuss it on the walk home. look, kiddo, don't worry about it. i really don't care that much. i'm just not sure he's good enough, that's all. i mean, he's not serious, he'll end up living off janey and jim, you watch. it's just that you develop a sense when you get older, if things are going to work out or if they won't, and sometimes it's not worth the mess. your toes cold? i'll carry you up the drive. you go dry off now. never guess where i found her. in the basement over at janey and jim's. with that weirdo mikey. not even a tv on. and they're on the floor and he's got his trousers down though thank goodness she's still dressed. well, i really let him have it! . and wendy came home peacefully. hey, should i dress for the halford's now, or - give me your - i get you loud and clear. hey, you look nice. oh, just dropping off a coffee cup. jim left it, last time he was over. it was on the dash of the car. you were, you know, reading, thought i'd just catch some air. let's eat. yeah, that one. stay out of trouble. ah let the guy have his fun. what's the name of this girl with the park avenue address? libbets? what kind of name is libbets? what's for dessert? no advice from the experts, huh? you think i -- what's on your mind? don't -- what do you mean? elena, what are you're talking about? listen, elena, if you're gonna pull that passive aggressive stuff on me again -- am i unfaithful? is that what you're trying to say? well, what kind of faithfulness are you after? what else could i be? what else could i be? we're not living in the real world here. you're living out some fantasy land from the past, or some advice or something from those psychoanalysts. there are some hard facts here. it's the law of the land. the government, the world, those two guys on the yankees. and i'm not having any fun at it, i can tell you that. i'm not. sure i do. do i know what loneliness feels like? sure i do. i know a lot about it, if that's what you mean. you've. oh, yeah. yeah, we'll be right back, dot. i know, i know. i had no idea -- yeah, well, if we'd understood we could have invented some kind of excuse. a key party -- did you see how stuffed that bowl was already? i think we're here and we don't have to stay -- we ought simply to put in an appearance and then we can head home. i'm not staying at this party so we can go home with someone else's wife. that's not why we're here, right? we're simply being neighbors here, and i think we should do just that -- i'm not. elena. elena, it's not what you think. it's not a big plot. honestly. honestly. i don't know if you want to go over this now, but it's just something that comes over me. i don't feel good about it. i know i've done what i didn't want to do. i don't know -- elena, you're just getting wound up to get wound up. clair, george clair! what the hell brings you to new canaan? well, hey, isn't that a one-in-a million coincidence. a real dreamer, jim williams, eh? don't see how. i think the public's had its fill of this gangster stuff. no, trust me -- disaster pics. and air hockey. yeah, see you bright and early monday am. say, where's the wife? damn right, but where the hell were you? don't bullshit me around, janey. jesus christ, i waited around for more than half an hour, in nothing but my boxer shorts, and -- and what's all that about? what the hell happened? what? jimmy? jimmy? i don't know how to take this. and what do you mean, jimmy? i thought you said you and your husband -- i just can't believe you could be so -- thanks for the advice dave. uh, well, what the hey. good shit. it's what? darn it, dave. as the indian saying goes, pain is merely an opinion. ready to go? sorry. maybe i should. the bathroom? sorry, i'm sorry. uh, i'll be back. elena. i'll drive you -- sure. i'll try. and we'll talk in the morning? jim -- he was just up -- in silver lane -- i think maybe -- a power line -- do you think? maybe we should call someone -- yeah. well, we can just -- paul? yeah. you think -- c'mon. there's something -- your mother and i -- have to tell you two --