from where? oh. are we going to talk about this, about? the man with the -- from deep throat? ted took me to see it. i have to say, the movie didn't do much for me. but being in that theater, surrounded by all those horny young college boys and perverts, there was something in the air that -- i hear he's slept with half the women in his congregation -- so fascinating. do you get free tickets to the movies, that kind of thing? and to think -- they met at a key party of all things. you know, it's a california thing. that scuzzy husband of hers dragged her kicking and screaming to one when they were out in l.a. you know, the men put their car keys in a bowl, and then at the end of the evening the women line up and fish them out and go home with whoever's keys they've got. anyhow that's how she met this rod person or whatever his name is and he's left his wife and she's packing for california. irwin is devastated. it's so ironic. well, um, yes. ironic. his name is rod. it was lovely! hello you two. am i barging in on some kind of religious study group? elena, you look marvelous. will i see you and ben at the halford's? and reverend edwards? did you make the list? with the two of you there it will be positively a revival! i'm off!