no thank you. we should be off. dinner's on the counter. we'll be at the williams's -- you know the number. paul. hi. is there anything you'll want, any particular kind of food or snack or anything we can stock up on?. you're all right? . ok. see you next week. i love you. you should hear. it's very sad, he was -- don't be so modest, ben. it's a job that requires a certain prescience with regards to entertainment trends. you were the first to predict that billy jack would be a hit -- it's not a bother. oh. of course. a key party? thank you janey. you're staring at me. i've been thinking, ben, about wendy. i was going to ask if she'd come with me sometime to meet dr. woolens. i did, but -- somebody should probably see her, talk to her. you think she's ok? so maybe you'll come too? it's you ben who needs to talk. i've had my say, and i'm waiting to hear back from you. -- and you haven't moved out yet. it's because you're too lazy, ben. too scared or lazy to either deal with us or simply make a decision -- sleep in the study? please. good night. yes. yes, it was -- i ended up -- i suppose my reluctance was the group aspect of it -- i've never been much of a joiner, although i still consider myself a somewhat religious person -- my daughter. i haven't been on a bike for years. when was the last time you rode a bike? forget what? no, of course you don't, you're right. hi wendy. i saw you on your bike today. who? mikey williams? well, you looked very -- free -- when i saw you. weightless almost -- as if i were seeing my own memories of being a girl. there was something internal about it. wendy, of course. i'm sorry. you must think i'm ripe to be checked into silver meadows. the people at silver meadows aren't psychos. we've been through this wendy james taylor was actually at that clinic up near boston. oh wendy. i thought you quit the band - i never hear you practice anymore. well, i'm sure your father and i would love to hear what you're playing these days. maybe after dinner. the halfords have invited us again this year. what do you think? so early? is that a new aftershave? hmm. good night. you're saying that christ is the child, and -- all well and good -- but tell me again what is it exactly that you believe in? that's right. i would say it sounds like you're trying to get me into bed. i'm sorry. that was stupid of me. i didn't mean to be so rude. but not too ashamed. and you're still trying to get me into bed. i suppose we'll make an appearance. i'm afraid people around here provide her with quite a bit to gossip about. take care. thanks again. for the dinner. i used to know how to cook. i'm thinking of going back to school. how'd you know? i'm that predictable? no, you don't have to answer that. it's just that with the kids almost grown -- thanks for the lift. if the bike's any bother-- oh. sure, i -- did you remember to pick up the cranberry sauce? because you like it on your turkey sandwiches. i. i think i am. ben, maybe no talking right now? if you start talking, you're going to-- i'm just sad ben -- i mean it was. you were, but, you know. i just don't know. no, i didn't mean to sound negative. it was -- but ben. what is going to happen with us? have you -- i wasn't accusing you, ben. it's just that we've got to be honest. not just with ourselves, but with the children. you were saying? that shirt? leave it -- i'll wash it for you. the turkey in? dinner in ten minutes. up to you. i'd like to go early and leave pretty soon after that. so what were you doing in the williams' basement anyway? oh right. the mustache coffee cup. the one that was sitting on the dash. that one. you'll be on the 10:30 train? paul -- see for yourself. don't start. i have no idea. it wouldn't make a pleasant evening, if that's what you're after. i don't want to talk about it. stupid mustache cup. don't be dim. i'm not surprised. your unfaithfulness -- that's what i'm trying to talk about. your unfaithfulness. your betrayal. your dalliance. and you won't do me the dignity of being up front about it. it's a starting place. if you're going to insult me -- oh lord. you think i'm so dense. and now you want to be seen with your dense wife at the cocktail party. you want to wear that ridiculous shirt which doesn't go with those pants at all. you want to wear that, and you want me to shake hands with your friends and make conversation and dress up in an outfit that shows a lot of cleavage and you're not going to accord me the respect of talking honestly about this. you don't really know what this feels like. benjamin. that's supposed to explain it? we're going to the halford's. the number's on the calendar in the kitchen. we should be home around i suppose. why? what sort of problems are you planning exactly? just bundle up. it's supposed to freeze tonight. we'll see you in the morning. oh, damn. uh, i've left the -- in the car. this just isn't the best moment for this. that this was going to be a key party? well? damn it, ben -- you're not going to -- you have some marker, that's what i think, if you want to know the truth. you have some marker and you're going to put it on the house keys so that janey can find them and then when i get back to the house i'll find the two of you in there and wendy'll be able to hear you and paul will be back and he'll hear you and i'll catch you, that's what i think. she'll be swearing and banging against the wall and i'll catch -- well, i'm really pleased to hear a confession. thanks for the diagnosis, ben. thank you. so let's just go to this fiasco if that's what you want to do. let's just go on in. i'd rather talk to anyone else but you. oh, dot! reverend edwards. you're here. i'm a bit surprised. i'm going to try hard not to understand the implications of that simile. we're not going anywhere. rob, we'll fix it for ourselves. you two go and get acquainted. we'll let ourselves out the front door. let me. you couldn't have hoped for much better when you came up the walk. well, maybe they have one of those filter jobs in the kitchen -- my husband is probably passed out in the bathroom, or at least he wishes he were. i've been married to him for 17 years and i don't have any intention of going in there to get him. so what i'm proposing is that since your wife has gone off with a boy, and since you are standing here alone, i'm proposing that you and i do what makes sense. stay warm. pass some time. that's all. now don't make me feel as if i'm being too forward, ok? if you don't okay. shall we clean up around here first? do you think it's all right-- do these seats go back? jim, maybe we should just go. i've got to look in on the kids. paul is supposed to be coming back in from the city. well, we can talk about it. maybe you just need -- look, can you wait here a sec, i need to tidy up -- just a minute, i'll be right back. you'll wait? ben, i've got a ride home. maybe you should sleep this one off on the couch here? ben. you're in no condition to drive. we'll talk in the morning, ok? you'll get some sleep on the couch out there? we'll talk in the morning. yeah. you? sure. maybe coffee. get dressed. you should let him sleep. it'll warm you up. ben? the phone's out. ben, i don't think he wants us here. oh you know, for a minute i thought it was -- ben. ben.