hey there benjie, you're becoming quite the in-house philosopher. when do you have time to think up all that stuff -- shackley sure eats it up. and speaking of which, you have those market share charts mr. shackley was asking about? ben you know that's your territory - and i wouldn't dream to trespass - you're the expert. hey, how do you think paramount's gonna do with that blatty novel, what's it called? the exorcist? brilliant. hey, you heading out a little early today? right o'. benjie! well, it's the funniest thing. i've been talking to some investors -- a little outside venture, you understand, between you and me -- about a scheme to manufacture a new styrofoam packaging. little peanut like pieces that can really keep an item free from trauma during shipping. miraculous. anyway, it turns out the genius behind the whole project is your neighbor, jim williams. how about that! darned right. look here, benj, whaddya make of this sequel to the godfather? you think it's gonna work? yeah, good. well, gonna make a break for the hors d'oeuvres guy. in rhode island with the folks. i'm a free agent tonight.