i'd asked for that double martini about three hours ago! so asking me out for lunch -- what prompted this exceptional event? -- of course i'm paying. and why are you still calling me dad? you're forty years old already, and -- that's besides the point. advice? i'm supposed to be getting the stock tips from you, ben. unless - have you quit your job? they fired you? oh for crying out loud ben, you don't mean to tell me that your marriage is going down the drain now -- -- your mother, god bless her, stood by me for forty-two years -- we never once contemplated divorce - i assume you're talking here about divorce? the very thought -- -- waiter! where's my cobb salad? you want advice ben? if your big brother were still alive i'd have him go out into the back yard and beat some sense into your head. look kid, you married that woman against my advice -- that's besides the point. the point is if i'd had any sense in me i'd have divorced your mother 40 years ago, and that's the truth, and here it is, 1972 -- -- 73, and divorce is as easy as paying off a traffic ticket, and for crying out loud, ben, be a man and just get it over with. i would have if i'd had the chance. but what? christ ben! make up your mind and eat your lunch. it's not the taxes i object to. it's all the fines and penalties. it was all junk! ben, i'm going to florida. i hate thanksgiving and i hate the cold. i have a new nurse. she's a negro, she weighs three hundred pounds, and i've decided to leave my entire estate to her. jesus, benjamin, you're still as gullible as ever. i thought i'd start trying. if you don't mind. but i am going to florida and i do have a new nurse.