it was a benefit for the aclu or something, and harry reems himself was there -- the very one -- something about a first amendment defense fund -- well i believe in it -- -- pulls right up to the pump, jumps out like there's no gas shortage, oblivious, and by this point everybody in line's piling out of their cars ready to kill the guy, when they notice it's that reverend edwards -- yeah -- claims he pulled off creek road and didn't notice the line going back mill street for half a mile. will do. hey guys, i'm back. yeah mikey. yep, i was in houston, working on some great new ideas about silicon, which comes from sand, very conductive. how you guys doing? how's school? hmm. alright! you bet. sorry honey. hell, we've got to trade this thing in for a normal bed. you notice anything with mikey lately? the kid seemed a little out of it tonight, eh? hell, i guess he takes after me, huh? well, i have to say i don't have much faith that my car keys are still in that bowl. doesn't seem entirely safe, leaving your car keys around? thanks, but -- oh, i don't think so. it's been kind of a discouraging evening. somehow it was different in my imagination when i thought about it. actually, i didn't think about it at all, really. you want coffee or something? look, elena, the fact that we're neighbors. you know, close friends, well it sort of makes this a little strange, don't you think? what the hey. let's go for a drive. nah, that wasn't in the contract. we're going to have to defrost this thing for a while. that was awful, really awful. i'm so sorry, elena. things are really rotten at home. you wouldn't believe how rotten. janey's sick. she's unstable, i guess. it's not the right time to tell you. but that's it -- it's like i can't make her happy, the boys can't make her happy, she just doesn't -- jesus, let me make it up to you -- i can do better than that, honestly that's fine. i wouldn't expect you to see it any other way. of course. you okay? yes. well, i guess we can walk from here. you want to come in, get a cup of coffee -- warm up? i can either walk you home, or you could crash in the guest room. phone's out. i hope the pipe's -- oh well. why don't you put on some dry socks -- and we've got some rain boots in the guest closet back there. last room upstairs -- back of the hall.