who said so? i don't have a girlfriend. did anybody hear that? want some gum? i'm chewing. tell sandy? what? you didn't tell him either, did you? yeah? sure, anything but this english. i'm not good at math. just geometry. it's like, you know when they say "two squared"? and you think it means 2 times 2, equals 4? but really they really mean a square. a square with a side of two. and the area of the square is four. like every time you use the word, like squared, or cubed, it's really space, it's not numbers, it's space. and it's perfect space, but only in your head, because you can't draw a perfect square, like in the material world, but in your mind, you can have perfect space. you know? you were gone? uh, i dunno. ok i guess. because of molecules we are connected to the outside world from our bodies. like when you smell things, because when you smell a smell it's not really a smell, it's a part of the object that has come off of it -- molecules. so when you smell something bad, it's like in a way you're eating it. this is why you should not really smell things, in the same way that you don't eat everything in the world around you - because as a smell, it gets inside of you. so the next time you go into the bathroom after someone else has been there, remember what kinds of molecules you are in fact eating. i dunno. i don't ever want to see you. i dunno. i -- business? uh, i dunno. see, no one's here. maybe you want to go to the basement? there's a tv in the basement. maybe we can mess around. you know, only if you want to. why did you -- with sandy? you like him? he worships you. wendy! when worlds collide. 4:30 movie. when worlds collide. hey, hang on there, mr. hood -- you're parents at that party? you get in trouble? i'm sorry if i got you into trouble. maybe we don't have to, you know. unless you really want to. out. yeah. when it freezes, i guess that means the molecules are not moving. so when you breathe, there's nothing in the air, you know, to breathe in to your body. the molecules have stopped. so it's clean. oh shit.