charles. i have not touched your sh-- stuff. you watching this? nixon, doofus! it's incredible. he should be shot. he's a liar! dean told him on march 21st about kalmback and hunt, all about the payoffs to the watergate burglars, so you tell me where the so-called "dean report" is, but you can't because it doesn't exist, because he lied about haldeman and erlichman and the april 17 tape, that's why! liar! -- he knows that when the march 24th tape -- you know with dean, where dean tells him that there's a cancer growing on the presidency -- who? no way. he's like a big infected whitehead wearing jeans. i wouldn't -- -- shit, it's my parents. dad stop it! fascist! good-night dad. she's a liar. i wouldn't touch dave brewster's dick if you paid me. it's probably crawling with v.d. after he put it in her, which he did. i gotta go. hey sandy. yeah? see ya. sure. twinkie? did you tell sandy? hi mom. with mikey? nobody. we were just riding around. mom. are you ok? you're not a psycho! i know. they're rich drug addicts and celebrities. when i saw james taylor there, and -- well, i saw what i saw, and if you don't want to believe me -- they need the money for my band uniform at school. i don't really need to practice. i just play a few notes, you know, so i thought maybe i'd stay in. hi mrs. williams. after you. hey sandy, what were you blowing up out there? your mom was pretty p.o.'d. the ones you built? i have to go to the bathroom. i'll show you mine if you show me yours. then why'd you come after me? you have to follow me? nah. nothing. greetings, charles. dad's like doing his up with people routine, mom hasn't been saying much. yeah well wait till mom opens her mouth. why don't you use the phone downstairs? can i come? with who? libbets? what kind of a name is libbets? dear lord, thank you for thanksgiving, and for letting us white people kill all the indians. and steal their tribal lands and stuff ourselves like pigs while children in africa and asia are napalmed and -- maybe we can just watch some tv. i don't know. i don't know. hey, what's this? wow! i won't take my pants off. but i'll touch it. that's as far as it goes. huh? what do you think we're doing, dad? talking to me, dad? well, then forget all this stern dad stuff. huh? yeah. shoot. (eyes still glued to the just curious. if there's a problem, i guess i'll just call you there to interrupt. oh i thought i'd steal the station wagon, drive up to a commune. or set the house on fire. you know. ouch! stupid. hood residence. yeah. yours? maybe. can't really tell yet. yeah. maybe. hood residence. is this charles? um, ten-o-five. why? where are you? and? right. i have plans. anyone home? hello. sandy, you scared the shit out of me. just thought i'd stop by. yeah. no. he's dead. he wouldn't blow up. he'd just get all mangled or twisted. well. it looks like someone got to his private parts before us. they left it in the jungle. can i get into your bed? with you? don't worry about them. they're at that party, getting drunk and falling all over each other and making jokes about mcgovern and stuff. want a drink? you never tasted the stuff? try again. one more shot? under the covers. get 'em off. have you ever had a nocturnal emission? that's the name for when you wake up and find this little pool of sticky stuff, like after a sexy dream. they didn't tell you this stuff yet? what planet do you live on? that's nice. are you drunk? i don't know either. you spin around, when you lie down. where's dad? i don't like coffee. wait, i -- he's probably been waiting all night at the station.