no. sorry. that's n-not allowed. you have to t-take a t-ticket first. we c-couldn't stop him. i know. i'm s-sorry. step up! step up! for one night only! the imaginarium of dr. parnassus! not to be missed! test your imagination! envisage the sublime. let doctor parnassus be your guide. discover the heights of wisdom. or, if you will, visit the doldrums with all that's vile and stinks. the world is full of wonders, beauty, enchantment, for those with eyes to see. what? what g-g-game? i d-d-don't know what you're t-t- talking about. i c-can't. i'm n-not supposed to be here. that's the p-point. it's up to you. look at that moon. i've n-never seen it so b-big. and the stars. it's so c-clear. valentina? i c-c-can't call you val, p- parnassus d-doesn't like it. are you happy? would you really be happy in one of those p-places?. n-not me. well. m-maybe. with you. let's run away. make a new life together. i'll retrain. computers. stocks and bonds. we could be happy. just the two of us. what? why d-do you always have to p- pretend to be so b-brutal? valentina. don't be ridiculous. no. he knows i worship him. i don't mind. he's extraordinary. like you. you are. incredible! i saw somebody d- dancing in the air. under the b- bridge. it's true! there was a sh-shadow on the water, when the lightning flashed. you see! the d-dancer! i t-told you! i c-can't reach him. arghhh!!!! argggg!!! no! that won't work. and anyway, you d-don't know where he's b-been. let me. he's alive! what on earth is this? b-but. i d-don't like it. it's none of our b-business. might be for you. he was hanging under the b-bridge. we found these in his p-pockets. with his hands t-tied behind his b- back? s-somebody was trying to k-kill him. we c-can't let him stay with us. we d-don't know what this is about, who he is, what he m-might have done. the show. we c-can't do it. it's your father. for one night only. raise your sights. encounter the majesty, the beauty, the miracle that's in each and every one of you. take this opportunity to expand your horizons. it's not too late. experience the imaginarium of the great doctor parnassus. p-probably remembered he had a wife or t-two back in russia. thank g-god. n-not a single customer! oh n-no! lying through your t-teeth can do that to you. what tomorrow? we're gone. n-no, keep it. thanks to you we can afford to buy valentina a b- birthday cake. p-please. i'm sorry about last night. i behaved like an idiot. you must admit. even idiots have their qualities. mozart's flute concerto in g. i found it. oh. you're a musician n-now. are you s-sure it's yours? alright. it's g-gone. ah, there it is. oooooh! sleep no more. procrastinate no longer. embrace this once in a life- time opportunity. let the mind of doctor parnassus be the portal to the infinite world of your imagination. as old as the universe itself, the great doctor, versed in every mystic practice known to man, and many more besides, will guide you to your destiny. t-taking you to the heart of your imagination! you won't regret it! n-not at the same time! your imagination is a very special place. doctor parnassus will make it flower. no. t-two c-competing imaginations in the imaginarium at the same time. it's n-not advisable. the stronger imagination will overcome the weaker and then there's n-no knowing what might happen. d-don't be afraid, d-dear lady. you'll be safe with me. have no fear. only b-because she d-doesn't realize. it's alright! it's alright! l-leave me alone. what are you suggesting? i was screaming as well. it was t- terrifying. no, well. you wouldn't. you've n- never been inside the d-doctor's mind have you? you think it's some k-kind of scam, d-don't you? no. but i d-don't expect you to g- get it. n-not in a million years. he d-doesn't want to rule the world d-does he?. he wants the world to rule itself! you're way off the mark. it's a b-bloody great mystery. wrapped in a b-brown p-paper b-bag enema. or do i mean, enigma. i thought you were the c-clever one. stop it! l-leave him alone! stand b-back! i'm warning you! shut up! you're a l-liar. you've been lying to us all along. who are you? who were those thugs? no? you stole their money. that's what they said. so why were they trying to k-kill you? "again!" is what they said. the first time they hung you from the b-bridge. right?. b-because you stole their money. the marks on your face. they scrawled something on your forehead. symbols. signs. yes, what's that about? what's happened? ah, there you are, tony. here's something m-might interest you. 'missing: d-disgraced head of children's charity'. n-not a bad p-picture, tony. listen to this valentina. it's about tony's b-beautiful world. anthony shepherd, who was arrested last week on charges of. don't d-do it. don't g-go on. not with him! he's all lies. valentina! all of this is false! it's nothing to do with you! it's all him. it's his imagination! it's all rotten! a naked lie! you've got to understand! look at this. `tony liar'. 'the disgraced director of the children's charity "suffer the little children, who was arrested last. who was arrested last week on charges of involvement in the sale of organs from third world children to wealthy westerners'. unghh! valentina!. help me. please. i know. i'm not a child. i love you, valentina. hello doctor.