valentina. you don't go through the mirror. you hit him. you're out of control. ever since your mother died. i don't want to talk about it! we don't accept drunks! people must be in their right minds when they make the choice. gone. will we miss him? i don't think so. don't worry if you don't understand it immediately. and so. a glimmer of hope. perhaps eternity has not been in vain!. he's come to collect. there must be something! valentina. at what price. hanging? the hanged man! these marks. i recognize them. you've been sent by mr nick. don't toy with me. tell me you're an emissary from mr nick. tell me you've come with a proposition. tell me what i want to hear! he's from mr nick. he's come with a proposal. all is not lost. you're welcome. we can talk here. sit down, sit down. so. the message. the message! what's the message? from mr nick. what does he want? problem? what problem? what!? you've lost your memory? you've come here with a message. a vitally important message from mister nick. a matter of life or death. and you can't remember what it is!? aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!! buggerbuggerbugger!!!!! can he remember! can you remember? bloody useless! mr nick sends an emissary and he can't bloody remember! it's a bloody disaster! i am not drunk! i'm under considerable stress. no! no understudy! the audience won't tolerate an understudy! there's only one doctor parnassus, and i am he! strong coffee? brilliant! this is why fate has brought us together. don't worry about remembering. it's all the same to a man on a galloping horse! what do you want? i'll do anything. you're man's lost his memory! he's bloody hopeless! what? for god's sake! tell me what you want! on valentina? you bastard! what! impossible!. you've seen the business we're doing. wait! george. we'd like to know who you really are. i may be able to help. hold this piece of wire. i'm going to put the tips of my fingers on the top of your head. i want you to relax and try as far as possible to think of nothing. hold your breath. very good, very good. yes. yes, i see. i see. very interesting. alas, this technique has its limitations. your name. anthony shepherd. and. you used to do good works. something to do with charity i think. it's an ancient technique of mental divination, but i'm very rusty and it doesn't always work satisfactorily. he's ambitious, energetic. a man of destiny. what are you doing? please concentrate. we've got a tremendous amount of work to do tonight. a great deal depends on it. this is my punishment. all is lost. first to five. one down. impossible, valentina. first to five. one down. no people. no time, valentina. we are doomed. shhh! our time's nearly up. this could be what we need. hooplah! thank you, dear lady, you give me strength to continue what? valentina. my darling girl. we must do another show! now! quickly! get ready to move out! somebody asking the way. where's tony? please! get everybody together. another show! tony! percy! not now. the truth? there are more important things, at this moment! yes. what i told you was. the truth. i really am thousands of years old. i have been immortal. i have been mortal. and i have had many dealings with the devil. too many. remember the woman i was telling you about?. the one i was so desperately in love with. so in love that i made a deal with the devil? that was your mother. . she was so beautiful, so enchanting. so. so young. she was everything i had ever dreamed of. i made a choice. i bargained away my immortality. i regained my youth. and i won her. i did! i won her! but at a price. you fool! you monstrous fool! you should be dead. what are you doing? what?. how? yes! yes! of course! of course! thank god! thank god! valentina! forgive me.