take a ticket and join the queue! only five quid a go! there's no greater bargain on planet earth! he's doing his bit to save the human race. he thinks it's got a future. quaint, eh? i keep telling him to get a proper job. check it out. another night with nothing in the kitty. take a ticket and wait your turn. twenty quid a go, reduced to five for one night only! i thought so. nothing. you're going to have to tell her. rain. twelve. and as the waters rose. the people's need for stories grew. stories that would feed a great hunger. a hunger for more than just understanding. don't be a fool! you can't die! you're immortal! you'll just end up broken, in the eternity ward, and i'll be stuck looking after you! forever! swing in! come on, don't hang about! we're getting soaked up here! well, he was. the boss said leave him. definitely. hey, you! i suppose somebody saves your life everyday of the week. too much like routine to bother with a thank you. percival st. antoine della touraine et sansepolcro da piemonte the third. if that proves too difficult, you may call me percy. geographically, in the northern hemisphere. socially, on the margins. narratively, with some way to go. and your name is. that's handy. any credit cards? with your name on them. don't look at us. he can't remember. they'll know who you are. pity. i speak russian. well, we didn't and he isn't. by his neck. until dead. if we'd had any sense. actually, i saw that trick performed many years ago at. no he's not. no he hasn't. what proposal? let's close up quick while the going's good. there isn't a next show. we've done all the shows we're doing here this evening. five souls. two days, eh!? i told you didn't i? that he was a wrong-un. no. but they sure as hell like being economical with the truth. you won't feel a thing. you may breathe normally. so what was he doing dangling under a bridge from his neck? oh dear, was that a rude question? have i put my foot in it? he's in love with valentina? it happens. while you're at it, don't forget the other one. the viper, the scorpion, the amnesiac boa constrictor. tony. really? and he's going to help us win five souls. she'd be better off with anton. that's even worse than the other ideas you've had today. get a midget. better luck next time. do me a favour. take a long walk off a short pier. bugger off! change the show!? who the fizzing hell do you think you are?. what about the filth? the filth. the police. that'll be the day. yeah, okay, but what exactly do we do? that cards! the bloody tarot cards! comes to the same thing. why not? you had some of those when we rescued you. please can we answer the door? i can't stand not answering the door, or the telephone, or whatever. it's not in my nature. i won't sleep for weeks if we don't answer the door! sorry! sorry, i just. i've got a thing about. telling the truth. always a bad idea. about bloody time! here! how long's a piece of string? don't ask daft questions. problematical my arse! come on. i know it's against the grain. yeah, it goes just before the fall. come on. i know it's against the grain. so far, so good.