my god! that's it! you're right! anthony shepherd! they call me tony. tony shepherd! that's who i am! yes. that's right! that's right! but how?. but that's amazing! brilliant! was there anything else? that's absolutely fantastic! thank you. perhaps i'll remember other things. that's so strange. and horrible. it's a complete blank. but i do remember i was involved in some sort of charity. trying to do good, to make the world a better place, you know. inspire people, give them hope. what an arrogant idiot. what's that? i mean, the pipe. where did you get it? it's mine. it's not a musical instrument. may i have it?. please. positive. don't fool around. give it to me! thank you. please. everything's alright. it's okay. really. i promise you. ladies and gentlemen. ladies and gentlemen. please. ugh! can i help? what were you doing to that girl behind the mirror? oh, c'mon. we all heard her screaming. terrifying? why? i don't understand. your not trying to tell me that mind control stuff is real? isn't it? hang on. if he can really control people's minds, why isn't he ruling the world? why bother with this crappy side show? what a waste. tell me about the mirror. what's the point of that, if not to razzle-dazzle the public? er. one more thing. does `first to five' mean anything to you? if you hadn't been there. valentina, your father seems in a terrible state. is it the police? the show? maybe i can help. don't say that. what you're doing is important. really important. it's just. maybe. it should be done in a different way. oh, hello, good morning sir. how are you feeling? that was a nasty bump on the head you got. well, sir, i've been thinking. it's clear the show's not attracting many people. forgive me but. i see two ways of tackling this problem. either the style of the show is at fault. or the type of audience. i would suggest changing both. i'm sorry but. you're not modern. people want modern. look. this is modern. it works. trust me, i understand this world. this kind of mind control. let's try to meet the public halfway. the right public. and in a better part of town. what? there'll be a better class of police too. the trick is not to hide. change your colours. be bold. go where they would least expect to find you. i think we have been brought together for a reason. i don't believe in coincidence. you saved my life. now let me do something in return. this can be my birthday gift to valentina. well. first of all, i want you to give me your money. all of it. excuse me, madam. i'm afraid we can't accept this. we are here to give. not take. we are here to help those in need. if it's money you need, then here it is. if it's the flowering of the soul you need, then here we are but, unfortunately we are booked solid at the moment. but thank you. i can see you have a generous spirit. cost? money is no good in the imaginarium. this is a refuge for hearts in need of truth. a place for souls to be purified. madam, why should you care about time? what are your dreams worth in minutes? there are hard choices to be made in life. what about the dreams of the less fortunate in the world. do you have time for their dreams? or are you like i once was. do you just despair? despair at all that is wrong in the world. . despair at your inability to do anything to change it. to make it better. i despaired so much at the powerlessness of my own existence that i took the easy way out. the coward's way. i committed suicide! yes, that's right, i killed myself. can you understand my despair? but i was saved. saved by a miracle. the imaginarium. and doctor parnassus. he brought me back from the dead. he gave me a new life. a reason to live. he has given me power to dream again. to dream of a better world. please, i'm sorry but, we're booked solid at the moment. madam, congratulations, you have been chosen. come forward and enter the imaginarium. we don't want your money. we want your hopes and dreams. you may make a donation later, if you wish. this is a rare moment. very few are chosen. don't miss this once-in-a- life-time opportunity. this way. please. believe me madam, you're the luckiest woman in the world. tony. if i'm not wrong, i fear you must go alone. it's one of the rules. one imagination at a time, free from the influence of another. oh. look. another possibility. you must make a choice. and. actually, to be honest, i'd strongly recommend this one. exactly. to be reborn, first you must die. all of them have achieved a kind of immortality. and we love them all the more for it. they won't get old or fat. they won't get sick or feeble. they are beyond fear. they are forever young. they are gods. and you can join them. there's not a moment to lose. but your sacrifice must be pure. you have to let go of all these worldly goods. remember nothing is permanent. not even death. that was so. i had no idea. it's just. incredible. how do you do this? no! wait! i can explain! give me a chance! did you see me!! i almost reached the clouds! i could have. it was incredible. i was almost there. i made my choice and i climbed. i felt so much potential. i could have done anything. i have to have another chance. another go. i need this. i am not a liar! no! i just. didn't divulge everything i knew. absolutely not. not in law. no. i didn't. are you going to believe them before you believe me? because they're irredeemably bad people, and i'm essentially good. i know that sounds terribly prim and arrogant and self righteous, but i'm trying to be honest. look, the truth is. in order to get my charity off the ground i needed capital. yes, i know, and you're right, but that's the way the grown-up. the real world works. you can't make omelettes without soiling your hands. or should that be the other way round? anyway, i - with hindsight very foolishly - accepted a loan from people who seemed to me, at the time, to be very decent and sincere. there was absolutely no way i could have known that they were part of a ruthless organised crime syndicate and that they wanted to use my charity to launder money. i made a mistake. and i have to live with that. i'm sorry. what more can i say? but, can we not talk about me for a moment. i want to thank the doctor for letting me experience the most sublime, inspiring . what? stop saying that! i didn't steal it! i didn't have it. i'd had to invest in infrastructure. i needed more time. when you run a charity you have to give lots of money away. you wouldn't believe the red tape. the charity commission are a bunch of fascists. it's incredible. i mean. c'mon give me a break. i almost died today. and i said i'm sorry. and anyway. this was supposed to be a special day. it's valentina's birthday. happy birthday. for a beautiful woman. marks? saving valentina. i overheard you. you only need one more to win. me! i'll be that one. i'll take the risk to save valentina and, hopefully, you sir. we've still got a few minutes. how about thanking me? i expect nothing in return. only valentina's hand in marriage, if she'll have me. and, as your son-in-law. perhaps. initiation into the secrets of the trance. but. why not?! what's wrong? you must do it! you have to do it! it's the only way to save your daughter! concentrate. you must concentrate. i'll make the right choice. i'm sure of it. i can feel how right it is already. oh god!. doctor. we can save her. you and me. i need this. we both need this. please. the trance. bugger! pull yourself together!. sir. concentrate. or you'll have lost her forever. it's alright. it's alright. don't cry. it's going to be alright, believe me. everything's going to be alright. i'll take you away. i'll show you the world. my world. the great big beautiful world i've always dreamed of. you'll love it. yes? c'mon then. no! valentina, don't listen to that. i'm innocent. this is the work of people who are trying to destroy me! evil people! believe me! look, i'll show you the truth! hurry! this isn't right. this is all wrong. which way? ah, lester, just in time. help! over here! stop! what are you doing! we'll drown! valentina. what is it now?! can't we just go inside and get dry. ostanobuite bas menshi schit! sustainability's great, if you can achieve it. the problem is, in many cases you simply can't, for a whole variety of reasons. look, charity, like poor little olga. . is always with us, to coin a phrase. ah, there you are, my lovely. i wouldn't presume to have a 'message' for the prime minister. fortunately for the foundation, i think we pretty much see eye to eye on most things. you look gorgeous, my love. i knew you wouldn't let me down. this is a vitally important moment for the future of the foundation. the children of the world are depending on us. call security, somebody. what? how?. stop him. silence the little bastard! and now he doesn't stutter! you see!? it was all an act to get cheap sympathy! get off me! what are you doing? you've betrayed me! haven't you? you let him in. into my world, you bitch!?. after all i've lavished on you. ow!! who's behind this!? eh!? you didn't come up with this all on your own did you!!!??? no! someone's got at you. someone's paid you!!!. who!!!??? tell me!!! you old bastard! this is all your doing! thank god for that! give me that! stop! you've been talking to the devil, haven't you? let me guess what he said. if you manage to kill me, he'll release valentina. yes? am i right?. i am aren't i? it's all lies. he can't release her. and why not? because he doesn't have her. he can't have her because she's the prize. he doesn't have five wins. but if you kill me he will, won't he? you'll have lost valentina forever! this is ridiculous! you've got to believe me! for all our sakes! look. gotcha! 120: