stop! get off the stage! get off the stage! he was chasing me. i had to get away. self defence. when i was three! you brought it up! pssst! ladies and gentlemen, let dr. parnassus be your guide. beauty, truth, wisdom, justice. without imagination all are dead. oh! who's that? who's there? val. val. he's not here is he? he's inside getting pissed. ecstatic. hey! that's mine! give it me! anton? shut up. i'm not pretending. anyway. i'm under age. i shall be twelve on wednesday. percy? how old will i be on wednesday? see? parnassus says so too. are you saying he's ridiculous? yes you are. i'll tell him. he takes advantage. puhlease. parnassus is a pain. okay he's extraordinary but i'm not. i don't want to be like him. i want to be like other people. like them. you know. normal. ordinary. you're so lucky. you know what i mean. actually, i'm going to be sixteen. shall i tell parnassus i know? i think he knows i know. silly man. sweet sixteen. the age of consent. i go to all this trouble and you leave it. are you ill? now what? oh for god's sake! percy liked the soup. that's normal isn't it? you know it doesn't agree with you. and i'll be sixteen on thursday, so let's not have any more tosh about that. you think you're so clever and that everybody else is an idiot! you can't stop me growing up just by lying about my birthday! it's ridiculous! is this going to take long? father!. what do you mean `at what price'? typical! you insist i listen to a story and then you don't finish it! there's someone hanging there! a rope! get a rope! try again! hurry up. you've done it! brilliant! thank god. put him in the big trunk. don't argue. he thought he was dead. so, what do you suggest, we leave him on the side of the road? is he okay? are you alright? he tried to kill himself. my god. that's exciting. why not? father? father? he says you must work. to focus your mind. you can help out front. sell tickets. ah, here we are. try this. you can be `justice'. just like the rest of us. no face. no name. the mystery thickens. i'm going to have to give you a name. until you remember who you are, i dub thee saint george. you can save me from the dragon. george. you've met parnassus. hi, anton. what? what is it? what's happened? oh no! you can't go on. you're drunk. (to percy you'll have to do it. where's george? he's never not done a show before. maybe he's past it. maybe it's time to retire. wow! you took all that? anton! that's enough! don't talk to me. yes. charity work? i knew you were a good person. percy! anton, that's enough. anton. father! father! what were you thinking? look what you've done. get out of the way! tony. ssshhhh. thanks, tony. leave us. thank god it's only cuts and bruises. i thought we'd lost you. i don't know what's wrong with him, but if it's about the show. i don't care. i'm tired of it. let the police arrest us. i'm sick of living like this. what are you doing? didn't you do enough damage last night? anton. i'm the one who wants to run away! are you trying to wreck my birthday, or what? please. we need you. how much money have you got? oh tony. (sotto voce to the dr. father? who was that? i overheard you. he wasn't asking the way. i want to know what's going on. yes, now! i want to know the truth! what are you hiding? it's something to do with that bloody rambling story you were telling me the night we found tony isn't it? so tell me. what are you saying?. what price? tell me. say it. what? him?. but. didn't. i don't believe this! it can't be true. it's just another of your wretched stories. a cruel story! why do you say these things? by playing games with the devil!? no! all my life you've made me play `beauty', `truth', `justice'. filled my head with dreams and high ideals. all that crap! while. all the time! the devil was right! you're arrogant! vain and arrogant! i'm just another one of your stupid wagers!. you're beneath contempt. it's useless. hopeless. i thought i was strong, but i don't even know how to run away. this stupid theatre!. that's all i've ever known! i've always believed it was something precious, but it's not. it's a lie. i hate it! maybe. no! tony, don't get in! get away! no we won't. this is the way. just like my father. leave me alone. i don't care anymore. i want a new life. tony, help me, she's heavy. you did it! you made the right choice! anton!? take your hands off him!! stop it! anton!!! forgive me, anton. i was wrong. noooo! father! no! no. no no. please. father. it's all my fault. what have i done?. nooooo!!! you little fool! you're to blame!. for everything. i hate you! so this is to be my choice!! wrong. i'm 16. i'm a woman now. a selfish bitch, everyone i love dies. i'm. father? where have you been?. all these years. i thought you were dead. come in. billy, this is your grandad. say hello to your grandad. i think he looks a little like you. he's only five. and he's very shy. would you like some tea? okay, you look after imogen. she's eight months, and, so far, fortunately, doesn't look in the least like you. this is all i ever wanted. i know it's not what you wanted for me, but. well. there you go. i'm happy. we're both happy.