although not everyone might agree with the assumptions made in that paper. the committee feels a much quicker deployment is possible. this has been discussed in a number of committees. if i said one committee. i could request the glass be frosted? generally positive. two glitches. karen flagged a report by one of her staffers - liza. she's obviously trying to use it as some kind of roadblock. it's called pwip pip. pwip pip. i don't recall. it's factish. intel - case for and against intervention. in the meeting with the foreign office the committee was accidentally briefly alluded to. the war committee. we can do that? that's something karen said. yes sir. thank you. excellent. liza. oh really? i have no idea what you're talking about. liza smiles. runs back into the toilets and gives a thumbs up to karen. um, hold on general . yeah, secretary linton barwick wanted me to let you know his last - meeting looks like it's over-running. he sends apologies. you're very w-welcome to wait, we have newspapers and periodicals? page 69 yes sir! there were moments when it was a little hairy .