ah, michael? i'm chad. we'd like a dual horse-shoe formation for the meeting set-up - an enclave for ms clark, an enclave for the pentagon delegation. first names acceptable to all parties and politely we request the presence of both carbonated and non- carbonated waters. thanks so much. hey liza. your paper got a major citation. you must be psyched karen brought it up. you could not write anything that clashes more violently with the current climate than you the one you wrote if you were trying, and it almost seems like you were trying. you are like the woman from the omen, you've given birth to a demon and it's going to kill you. ooh. you bring this up whenever you run out of arguments. i don't see how my parents' limited reproductive abilities reflects badly on me. i'm the sperm that made it. have fun with your career kryptonite. assistant secretary of state -- hi. chad can i? commissary? chad. go, buffy - you belong to the vampire queen now. yes! ha ha! exactly. everyone is so hot for your paper. i'm running off another ten copies. it's spreading like a virus, liza. you're in hot water. you're lobsterising. it's by degrees. wafting. bisque. i smell lobster. can you smell lobster, toby? are you kidding? lunchtime is work time. yeah work hours are too valuable - for networking. you gotta get in at like 6 work till 8.30 then start making those connections baby. emails and admin at lunch. see if you can play some strategic racquetball through the pm. then in the six till midnight slot chow down on some serious policy work. er, i might, stay with the general actually karen, if that's okay? if he's staying i might stay with him and see what assistance i can furnish. you've got balls sir. anyone can see you've got big balls. they're two-thirds of a snowman. okay. this was not the plan.