hey karen. you look beautiful. yeah i do. and some of the guys. yeah, don't believe the hype. i'm just thinking about doing . something. i'm more than just a soldier, karen. lingerie. and bestiality. yes, yes. i wake up and my eyes are closed and my head is swollen and i look like a giant ball sack. it's kicked up a level. talking invasion real soon. i don't know, i don't live in this house. i can't think of an excuse that would work can you? okay so that's total minimum european theatre requirement. this is far east, korea, japan etc. page 43 add those. plus contingency already deployed. not anymore it isn't. okay so this is total current deployment. europe, asia. and the contingency already deployed. so the current number of combat troops available for an invasion according to these figures would be . no, twelve. twelve soldiers. twelve. of course i'm shitting you, but 12 thousand isn't enough. twelve thousand's about how many are going to die. and you really need a few guys alive at the end of a war or it looks like you've lost. you're going to use him as a little meat puppet. hi, i'm in seat 204, row w. will i be able to see the big screen from there? oh, and can i get one of those big pointy foam hands with `go, monster trucks!' written on it? just so you know -- karen and i did not appreciate having to sneak around like mulder and scully trying to find out about this committee. you and i need to talk, mano-a-mano, cocks on the block, about how things are operating around here at the moment. good. look at adriano. poor fuck. he looks like he's with his daddy: "sorry, bob, you're adopted. from a couple with hereditary heart defects." see, this is the problem with civilians wanting to go to war. when you've been there you don't want to go back unless you absolutely have to. it's like france. course, i read it. i'm a voracious reader. i'm the fucking gore vidal of the pentagon. you don't want that? someone should leak this. me? are you kidding? exactly. i'm too senior. i can't leak. leaking is for people like your liza and the boy called it out there. it's insane. not only is the case against war incredibly strong, the case for is caveated to hell. "most analysts believe the state is looking to expand aggressively beyond its borders" then here in the caveats, the only source is `ice man' - a possible alcoholic - who's probably called that cos he gets through ten bags . icebergs a day in his fucking vodka tonics. inr say we can't trust him. that's us disputing our own findings. has linton read this? you see this is why we never got together. that and the hobo teeth. listen, tucker, you may be some scary poodlefucker back in london, but here? you know what you look like? a fucking squeezed dick. you got a blue vein running all the way up to your temple there. that's where i'd put the fucking bullet. but i'd stand well back. you look like you'd be a squirter. yep. i've done my share. how many you kill, pussy drip? go on, tough guy, take a swing at me. i'll smack you so fucking hard you'll be shitting teeth. simon! there he is! simon. this is great shit. i wasn't sure you had the nerve. you're resigning? you're not resigning? i'm sorry? you're a fake hawk? you're a fucking idiot. you're not a fake idiot are you. i second that. do we announce it before or after the vote? great. that's decided then. no. no simon. i'm afraid not. not on this one. this is too big for you. no, not like a suicide bomber. a suicide bomber gets to make a decision. i've been thinking karen. this has been the hardest fucking decision of my political life. i'm not resigning. it is - it is intolerable. i still agree with myself about that. but i've got to tolerate it. my loyalty is with the kids. at the end of the day i'm a soldier. look at the uniform, karen. i'm not a pastry chef. i have military commendations on my chest, not a little fucking label saying my name is george. i'm still a soldier. what, if i haven't shot a guy in 15 years then i'm not a soldier? city hall don't insist i bring along a fucking bullet- ridden corpse every five years to renew my soldier licence. i know i've got balls, i don't need to show them to you. don't talk about my fucking balls that way. my balls have been around. my balls have got balls. this takes balls karen. get the fuck away from me. go fuck yoursefl, frodo.