ah. karen. how was london? good hotel? good meetings? good. welcome back. i'll read your words when they come through. thank you so much brad. uh-huh. exactly i do not understand why anyone would choose to work in a glass office. in my opinion glass offices are for perverts. frosting is for cakes, bob. now. what happened in london? pip what? what is that a report on - birdcalls? what does that stand for? we've got all the facts we need on this. in the land of truth, my friend, the man with one fact is king. you said there was another thing? which committee? karen must not find out about that. she is an excitable yapping she-dog. okay get the minutes of the meeting, we need to correct the record. yes we can. they're an aide memoir for us. so they should not be a reductive record of what happened to be said, but a more full record of what was intended to be said. i think that's the more accurate version, right? i don't like this section. cut that. i don't think this is really what france are saying. let's change that. and these. and let's reverse this. it's not right. change it. and i like this. let's say everyone agreed with this. i believe i've flagged everything i needed to discuss. as i usually do. what is that, karen what makes you think that? you must have misheard. maybe it was another word. like khomeini. possibly. there are a lot of words, karen. kansas city. kitty. itty is not a word, bob. thank you, james i'm sorry, karen, you appear to be bleeding from your mouth. i don't mean to be rude karen but that is a tad. repulsive. i can't concentrate on what you're saying. you have blood coming out of your teeth and that's not right. i don't like to see a woman bleeding from the mouth. it makes me think of country and western music. which i really can't abide. actually while we're on any other business i do have a few points i'd like to resolve. we seem to be overrun with insurgents here, bob. the general is on rare form, very rare form. okay, due to the fact that seemingly everyone in the world who owns a suit has turned up for this meeting, we'll be relocating to a bigger room. room 720. so, if you will be so kind. the committee members file out. well, you're both here now. john and yoko. sure. how about 12:30 tomorrow, my office? what the hell happened? so, welcome to this, somewhat engorged session of the future planning committee. you can all see an agenda? it's the future planning committee. well, unofficially we can call anything whatever we like. unofficially, this is a shoe. but it's not a shoe, karen, it's a glass of water, and this is the future planning committee. that's way off agenda karen. although it would seem a general consensus may be forming. well i noted with interest the recent comments of our colleague simon foster in that regard. as i say it seems a consensus is forming. karen, please, calm down. we don't want you to have another hemorrhage. item one. mr tucker, isn't it? hello again. what seems to be the problem? aj? he is one of my top guys. stanton college prep, harvard. he's smart and he's great at his job. i'm sorry if it troubles you that our people achieve excellence at a young age. by the way, your prime minister informs me that he's tasked you with collating some fresh british intel for us. minister, thank you so much for your support and your recent "climb the mountain of conflict" comment - great. we're going to run with that, it has great repeatability. page 66 it's early days, my friend. all roads lead to munich. so we're down to the wire here, mr miracle worker, what have you got for me? what intel have you rustled us up? you haven't got it? can you delay the vote to give you time to get it? i am telling you to delay the vote and get me some new intel. now. well firstly, don't raise your voice. this is a sacred space. you may not believe that, i may not believe that, but by god it's a useful hypocrisy. and secondarily you do work for me. your prime minister instructed you to work for me. the great malcolm tucker. one of your guys has leaked a paper, you can't do anything. we tell you to get intel, you can't do anything. i need the vote put back - you can't do anything. you, sir, are a useless piece of `s' star star `t'. why don't you deal with that tucker? a wall is falling down, that's more your level. i can see you with your shirt off and a wheelbarrow whistling a happy song. what, you did your job? eventually? congratulations. maybe they'll give you a knighthood. welcome aboard liza. by the way, congratulations on pwip pip. excellent work. i don't know. i haven't read it personally. no time. but it certainly raised your profile. terrific. so, i'll keep this brief and to the point. we go in, we make our case using the new british intelligence from their source `debussy', we win the argument, we get the hell out. we did it bob! no there weren't, no. okay, i don't want to be accused of micro managing but i personally do not see that `i heart huckabees' should be on the list of dvds suitable for forces entertainment. that self-indulgent crap is not suitable entertainment for combat troops. and where's `united 93' on here? that should be playing 24. 7.