hi, thanks for seeing me mr. foster. i know i have. okay, simon, i'll try to keep it brief because i can see you're a busy man. there's a bloke out there wants to make it illegal to talk in a foreign language in shops. patronising. i. sorry, is this a joke? how many times? for the fourth f. ing time. the side wall. of this property. your wall. is falling over. on to my mum's garden. she called you up - but she got fobbed off by your people. because she's not lord snooty in his posh car. because she's not madonna on a horse. do you know what this is? that's your constituency office hold music. i don't want it in my head, do i? no, well i'm not going anywhere, simon. you won't be able to forget me because i'll be sitting here staring at you. "can i fob paul off with you?" i'm still here, simon. patronising. i'm going to pursue this with, what do they call it? extreme prejudice, to the very end. i can be enormously persistent. ask my ex-girlfriend. these `temporary buttresses' you got put up. they're basically a pair of twigs. thin twigs. no they're twigs. are you getting a picture of those twigs? that wall could fall on my mum and crush her. do you know how old she is? mum, how old are you? i want to tell the newspaper guy. you're never fucking sixty. you're older than that. sixty. how old are you really? fuck off are you sixty. olivia newton- john's fucking sixty. and she's not on the statins, is she? she needs to get to her plants. she has to water them. plants need water. she doesn't have a hose, she's got a watering can. this is like talking to a brick wall about a brick wall. get that down, that's gold.