hello, gentlemen, sir jonathan tutt. this is it. the united nations. i don't know what you were expecting -- jacobean panelling perhaps, arabesques of stonework tracery. great fountains. linton barwick is in there. karen clark is there. you're right here. if you need anything, just whistle. you know how to whistle don't you malcolm? you just put your lips together and blow. right. i'm off upstairs to the informal delegates' reception. hope there's nibbles, i'm ravenous. hm? what things? speed up what? hehe. can i perhaps briefly explain the way the process works? and why that isn't possible? you see through that door there are a number of secretariats that are currently doing what we call the washing up now. no, it can't be. i mean it could be done, it just can't. yes but you can't go in, that would be a serious breach of protocol . i'm not dancing with you malcolm. you're not dancing me into the secretariat! hello everyone. i was wondering if i might suggest a cheeky early vote? bit of an adventure. maybe, we could knock off early, go for a drink? ha. i'm kidding. or am i? no, i am. good, i've been looking for you. i needed to tell you that by a huge personal effort -- huge --i have managed to bring the vote forward by an hour and a half. very funny. that is funny. no, i'm sorry i'm very sorry but i won't humiliate myself again. right. what can i say? . 14: page 10 page 28 look, i admire you, i really do. making a stand. so, i take it i can tell the pm you don't want to go to washington? where is the fucking war committee meeting? i thought i was going to the war committee? tell me where the fuck it's happening! well let me tell you what's going on where you are sweet heart, a certain vinegar faced maniplulative cowbag is about to find that she's out of a fucking job. later. general miller is with karen. they're surrounded by cartons of chinese take-out. page 84 page 85 page 89 was it you? page 108 page 111 page 122