did you take the washing out of the machine? what do you mean, no? it's going to go really stale. it's not fine. by the time. i don't want to go out with some who wears stale pants. please. so: got everything you need for your first day in international development? simon fluster. well he was crap on the radio last night. he sounded like a chicken with a wasp up its arse. have a good day, good luck honey. i'll give you a call later. keep your phone on. bye. oh and be careful - cars! i'm just checking whether you put last night's lasagne in the fridge. why did you put clingfilm on it? it's in the fridge, that'll keep it fresh. clingfilm is carcinogenic, toby. listen, shall i just give toby a quick call about the simon foster thing? so? how's it going? you found the bogs yet? can you turn that down a bit? look, i've got a leg up for you. i think we could get simon into the big meeting with karen clark? karen clark, us assistant secretary of state? hang on, michael wants to say something. meat. yeah, so you know -- simon, between us, he's just going to be meat in the room. yeah. the americans don't feel they're getting a real meeting unless there's thirty of you on each side. so simon is. you know those polystyrene peanut things they use to pack electrical goods? sort of one of those. but you might not want to tell him that. i ought to go. i love you. right. is that all fine? thanks. and gentleman. if you can afford it. fucking hell. here we go again. fucking arsehole. you've got a text. so, liza. you shagged her? did you know my flakey boyfriend has been getting his flakey end away? you haven't finished your drink. why did you do it? you had sex because of the war? actually i'll go. what?! what the fuck are you doing here? no you don't actually. i'll go make that tea. don't forget your hydrocortisone. no, it's fine. stay. your geography teacher's jacket? has she got big tits? okay. quickie? oh good tell me more, tell me more about her tits. you are such a fucking coward, you know that? and this is what? a make up leak? toby, take your rubbish clothes and your back issues of mojo, your flute, and your eighth of dope and leave me the fuck alone. was what me? i didn't leak anything. i don't know what you're talking about. no i'm not. refine it?