yeah, i've got time. what is it, ma'am? certainly, ma'am but i suggest you stand clear. there could be trouble. let go now! no, i'm just here to help. tour bus robbery. i've still got time. officers. ma'am. squeaker. what the? who are you supposed to be? what? no. you're that kid from the fan club. brophy. brody. buddy! buddy! look, i've been nice, i've stood for photos, signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me but this is. you know. you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse, but maybe that's not what you had in mind. elastigirl. no, it's all right. i've got him. sure, you took him out. his attention was on me. my job, you mean. thanks, but i don't need any help. well, whatever happened to equal treatment? i work alone. are you doing anything later? now, you just stay here. they usually pick up the garbage in an hour. hey, frozone! i still got time. with counseling, i think you'll come to forgive me. wait a minute. bomb voyage. go home, buddy. now. and now, you have officially carried it too far, buddy. fly home, buddy. i work alone. buddy, don't! no, stop! there's a bomb! will you just? i'm trying to help! stop! take this one home. and make sure his mom knows what he's been doing. the injured jumper. you sent paramedics? the blast in that building was caused by bomb voyage who i caught in the act robbing the vault. now, we might be able to nab him if we set up a perimeter. well, yeah. skippy here made sure of that. you're not affiliated with me! holy smokes, i'm late. listen, i've gotta be somewhere. any other night, i'd go after him myself, but i really gotta go. but don't worry. we'll get him! eventually! is the night still young? how do i look? good? showtime. it was playful banter. you need to be more. flexible. i do. hey, come on. we're superheroes. what could happen? hey, i saved your life! listen-- i'm sorry, mrs. hogenson, but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17. it states clearly. excuse me. claims, bob parr. yeah, well, that's great, honey. in the last three years don't count because. listen, honey, i've got a client. bye, honey. excuse me. where were we? all right, listen closely. i'd like to help you, but i can't. i'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to norma wilcox on. norma wilcox. w-l-l-c-o-x. on the third floor. but i can't. i also do not advise you to fill out and file a ws2475 form with our legal department on the second floor. i wouldn't expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter. i'd like to help, but there's nothing i can do. shhh! i'm sorry, ma'am! i know you're upset! pretend to be upset. someone broke into their house, mr. huph. their policy clearly covers-- darn kids. sitting on the driveway. oh, great. you make weird faces, honey. uh-huh. yeah. good. good. what? what?! what for? they caught you on tape and you still got away with it? whoa! you must have been booking. how fast did you think were you going? i'm not encouraging, i'm just asking how fast. great. first the car, now i gotta pay to fix the table. here. i'm getting a new plate. kids! listen to your mother. ''simon j. paladino, longtime advocate of superhero rights, is missing''? gazerbeam. you want me to intervene? okay. i'm intervening. i'm intervening! get the door. he-hey! ice of you to drop by. i'll be back later. it's wednesday. he starts monologuing. yammering. 23-56, what is that? robbery? yeah, robbery. want to catch a robber? protecting people. you need an invitation? yeah. there was something about him in the paper. when's the last time you saw him? oh, come on. a fire. we're close! yeah, baby! woohoo! haha! fire! yeah! yeah, that's everyone. can't you put this out? well, what's that mean? you're out of ice? you can't run out of ice! i thought you can use water in the air! i just can't go smashing into walls! the building's getting weaker by the second! it's gonna come down on top of us! all right! stay right on my tail! this is gonna get hot! yeah. uh-oh. oh, good. i said i'd be back later. well, i'm back, okay? it was just a little workout. just to stay loose. the building was coming down anyway. it was on fire. structurally unsound. it was coming down anyway. look, i performed a public service. you act like that's a bad thing. reliving the glory days is better than acting like they didn't happen! it's not a graduation. he's moving from the fourth grade to the fifth grade. it's psychotic! they keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity but if someone is genuinely exceptional. you want to do something for dash? then let him actually compete. let him go out for sports! because he'd be great! all right, dash. i know you're listening. come on out. come on. come on out. it's okay, kids. we're just having a discussion. yeah. but that's okay. because what's important is that mommy and i are always a team. we're always united against, uh, the forces of, uh. i was gonna say evil or something. now? okay. why? why are you unhappy? what, you've gotten complaints? did i do something illegal? are you saying we shouldn't help our customers? we're supposed to help people. is like an enormous clock. that man out there, he needs help. he is getting mugged! i'll be right back. he got away. uh-oh. how is he? i'm fired, aren't i? what can i say, rick? someone was in trouble. i had to do something. i know. no, i can't do that to my family. everyone just got settled. i'll make it work. thanks. well, what are you waiting for? me too, kid. huh? ''hold still''? huh? what? okay. it's the tv, trying to watch. one minute! uh-oh. hmm? am i? i don't mean to be. honey? about the job? something's happened. the, uh. the company is sending me to, uh, a conference. out of town. and i'm just gonna be gone for a few days. yes. yes. yes, it is. this is mr. lncredible. i'm in. let me guess. it got smart enough to wonder why it had to take orders. how am i going in? you want me to shut it down without completely destroying it. shut it down. do it quickly. don't destroy it. great. thanks. showtime. huh? hmm. uh-oh. oh, my back! oh! am i overdressed? i take it our host is. of course. i do usually make it a point to know who i'm working for. i was just wondering, of all the places to settle down, why live. seems a bit unstable. aren't we all? everything's delicious. jeez. thanks. bring bacon? i'm an old friend. i just wanted to. weren't you just in the news? some show in prayge. prague? e, i just need a patch job. must have happened a long time ago. what do you mean? you designed it. a new suit? where the heck am i gonna get a new suit? wait. you want to make me a suit? yeah. yeah, something classic, like dynaguy! oh! he had a great look! oh, the cape and the boots. isn't that my decision? listen, e. thunderhead was not the brightest bulb. e, you can't generalize about these things. you know i'm retired from hero work. e, i only need a patch job. for sentimental reasons. you're the best of the best, e. i got it, i got it! don't answer it, honey, i got it! hello? i'll leave tomorrow morning. goodbye. another conference. short notice, but you know. duty calls. yeah, what's up, honey? thanks, sweetie. i'll call you when i get there. i love you too. don't mind if i do. thanks. thanks. nice to be back, mirage. 2:00. got it. buddy? fly home, buddy. i work alone. i was wrong to treat you that way. i'm sorry. gazerbeam. ''kronos?'' contact? what are you talking about? i didn't know about the homing device. i didn't send for a plane. helen! no! call off the missiles. i'll do anything! no! release me. now! i'll crush her. it'll be easy. like breaking a toothpick. no, there isn't. in fact, there's no time at all. why are you here? how can you possibly bring me lower? what more can you take away from me? they're alive? helen? she was helping me to escape. how could i betray the perfect woman? where are the kids? lf you suspected danger, why'd you bring them? i should've told you i was fired, i admit it. but i didn't want you to worry. you keep trying to pick a fight, but i'm still just happy you're alive. kids! i thought i'd never see you again. you mean you killed off real heroes so that you could pretend to be one? i'm sorry. this is my fault. i've been a lousy father. blind to what i have. so obsessed with being undervalued that i undervalued all of you. so caught up in the past that i. you are my greatest adventure. and i almost missed it. i swear, i'm gonna get us out of this safely if i. we need to get back to the mainland. where are all the guards? go, go! a jet's not fast enough. wait. i bet syndrome's changed the password by now. how do i get into the computer? we get there when we get there. how you doing, honey? kids, strap yourselves down like i told you! here we go, honey! ready, violet? ready? now! this is gonna be rough! the robot's in the financial district. which exit do i take? that'll take me downtown. i take seventh, don't i? great, we missed it! that'll take me downtown! not traction! is everybody okay back there? wait here and stay hidden. i'm going in. i'm asking you to wait with the kids. i have to do this alone. no. no! i'm not. i'm not strong enough. yes. no! i can't lose you again! i can't. not again. i'm not. strong enough. i don't know what'll happen. go, go! frozone! yeah! hey! syndrome's remote! go long! honey, take out its guns! we can't stop it. the only thing hard enough to penetrate it is. itself. honey! wait a minute. press that button again! no, the other one! the first one! press the button! what are you waiting for?! everybody duck! hey, zone. just like old times does this mean we can come out of hiding? hey, you're wearing your hair back? it looks good. not as cool as you running on water! "special needs"? i can't! i might hit jack-jack! come on, run! pick up the pace! move it, move it! pace it! slow down just a little bit! don't give up! make it close! close second, close second. yeah! that's my boy!