mr. lncredible. sure, you've got him. i just took him out for you. a fact i exploited to do my job. a simple thank you will suffice. whatever happened to ''ladies first''? well, we could share, you know. well, i think you need to be more. flexible. i have a previous engagement. you're late. when you asked me if i was doing anything later, i didn't realize you'd actually forgotten. i thought it was playful banter. cutting it kinda close, don't you think? i love you, but if we're gonna make this work, you've gotta be more than mr. lncredible. you know that. don't you? as long as we both shall live. no matter what happens. i'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion. we're now officially moved in. because i finally unpacked the last box. now, it's official. ha, ha, ha. why do we have so much junk? say no more. go save the world one policy at a time, honey. oh! i gotta go pick up the kids from school. see you tonight. what's this about? has dash done something wrong? you saw him do this? oh, then how do you know it was him? dash, this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office. we need to find a better outlet. a more. constructive outlet. honey, you know why we can't do that. dashiell robert parr, you are an incredibly competitive boy. and a bit of a showoff. the last thing you need is temptation. right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we just gotta be like everybody else. everyone's special, dash. no, i'm not. do you have to read at the table? smaller bites, dash. yikes! bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat? dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school? dash got sent to the office again. no, bob, that's bad. dash got sent to the office again. he put a tack on the teacher's chair. during class. bob! we are not encouraging this. honey! the car? what happened to the car? so, how about you, vi? how was school? you've hardly touched your food. well, it is leftover night. we have steak, pasta. what are you hungry for? do not shout at the table. honey! stop it! stop running in the house. sit down! you sit down! you sit down! violet! bob! it's time to engage. do something! don't just stand there! i need you to intervene! violet, let go of your brother! hey, where are you two going? oh. bowling night. say hello to honey for me, lucius. don't think you've avoided talking about your trip to the principal's office, young man. your father and i are still gonna discuss it. other kids don't have superpowers. now, it's perfectly normal. now, wait a minute, young lady. i thought you'd be back by 11 . i assumed you'd be back later. lf you came back at all. you'd be ''back later''. is this rubble? you know how i feel about that, bob. darn you! we can't blow cover again! what?! you knocked down a building?! tell me you haven't been listening to the police scanner again? it is a bad thing, bob! uprooting our family again, so you can relive the glory days is a very bad thing. yes! they happened! but this, our family, is what's happening now, bob. and you are missing this! i can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation. it's a ceremony! this is not about you, bob. this is about dash. i will not be made the enemy here! you know why we can't do that. this is not about you! vi? you, too, young lady. pigheadedness? we're sorry we woke you. everything's okay. go back to bed. it's late. in fact, we should all be in bed. honey! dinner's ready. is someone in there? well, stop trying. it's time for dinner. you are one distracted guy. i know you miss being a hero and your job is frustrating. i just want you to know how much it means to me that you stay at it anyway. what? what? what? a conference? they've never sent you to a conference before. this is good, isn't it? you see? they're finally recognizing your talents. you're moving up. honey! this is wonderful! hurry, honey. or you'll be late for work. have a great day, honey. help customers, climb ladders. all that jazz. who was that, honey? the, uh, office? bob? ha. have a great trip. i love you. so much. edna. i'd like to speak to edna, please. e? this is helen. helen parr? you know. elastigirl? yes, yes, yes. it's been a while. listen, there's only one person bob would trust to patch his supersuit and that's you, e. look, i'm calling about. beg? uh, no. i'm calling about suit. ab-about bob's suit! i'm calling about bob's suit! e, i just. e, it's great to see you, but i gotta tell you i have no idea what you're talking about. i just. thanks. started? what on earth do you think the baby will be doing?! jack-jack doesn't have any powers. what do i think? bob is retired! i'm retired! our family is underground. you helped my husband resume secret hero work behind my back?! he wouldn't. didn't. doesn't. what are you saying? of course. oh, hello. this is helen parr. bob parr is my husband. i was wondering if you could give me the number of the hotel he's staying at? the number i have is no good. what do you mean? he's on a business trip. a company retreat. i am such an idiot. i let this happen, you know. the new sports car, the getting in shape, the blond hair, the lies. now i'm losing him! what'll i do? what'll i do? hmm? there's lots of leftovers that you can reheat. make sure dash does his homework. and both of you, get to bed on time. i should be back tonight. late. you can be in charge that long, can't you? nothing. just a little trouble with daddy. i mean either he's in trouble, or he's going to be. dash! you come back here this moment! hey, snug. thanks for getting back. i know this is short notice, but i was hoping that i could get you to. just a second. take that off before somebody sees it. oh, please, honey. i'm on the phone. dash! you're not coming! and i've gotta pack! snug, i'm calling in a solid you owe me. a jet. what do you got that's fast? island approach. india golf niner-niner checking in. vfr on top. over. island tower, this is india golf niner-niner requesting vectors to the initial. over. easy, helen. easy. easy, girl. you're overreacting. everything's fine. they're just all getting coffee. at the same time. yeah. india golf niner-niner checking in. vfr on top. over. violet! dash?! wait a minute, wait a minute. you left jack-jack alone?! all right! well, who'd you get? kari. kari. kari, i really don't feel comfortable with this. i'll pay you for your trouble, but i'd really rather call a service. india golf niner-niner transmitting in the blind guard. disengage! repeat, disengage! disengage! repeat, disengage! friendlies. friendlies at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position. angels 10. track east. disengage! vi! you have to put a force field around the plane. i know what i said! listen to what i'm saying now! disengage. repeat, disengage! violet! mayday, mayday! india golf niner-niner is buddy-spiked! abort! abort! there are children aboard, say again, there are children aboard! put a field around us now! violet, do it now! abort, abort, abort! abort, abort, abort! brace yourselves! everybody calm down. now, i'll tell you what we're not gonna do. we're not gonna panic, we're not gonna--look out! stop it! we are not gonna die! now both of you will get a grip. or so help me i will ground you for a month! understand? those were short-range missiles. land-based. that way is our best bet. lf it means land, yes. i expect you to trust me. what a trooper. i'm so proud of you. i think your father is in trouble. i'm going to look for him. and that means you're in charge until i get back, violet. put these on. your identity is your most valuable possession. protect it. and if anything goes wrong, use your powers. vi, i'm counting on you. i'm counting on you. be strong. dash, if anything goes wrong, i want you to run as fast as you can. as fast as you can. stay hidden. keep each other safe. i'll be back by morning. shh. it isn't your fault. it wasn't fair for me to suddenly ask so much of you. but things are different now. and doubt is a luxury we can't afford anymore, sweetie. you have more power than you realize. don't think. and don't worry. lf the time comes, you'll know what to do. it's in your blood. okay, okay, okay. a rocket? bob. no. that's what i was doing. let go of me! let go, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep! oh, you're referring to me now? what?! now our kids are in danger?! i didn't bring 'em, they stowed away. and i don't think you're not striking the proper tone here! you didn't want me to worry? and now we're running for our lives through some godforsaken jungle! shh. don't interrupt. i saw an aircraft hangar on my way in. straight ahead, i think. this is the right hangar, but i don't see any jets. what's faster than a jet? great! i can't fly a rocket. do i have to answer?! traction avenue. don't take seventh! you asked me how to get there and i told you. exit at traction! he's coming up! get in the right lane! signal! you're gonna miss it! while what? i watch helplessly from the sidelines? i don't think so. and i'm telling you not a chance. you're my husband. i'm with you for better or worse. what is this to you? playtime? so you can be mr. lncredible again? then what? what is it? not what? strong enough. and this will make you stronger? that's what this is? some sort of workout? lf we work together, you won't have to be. hey. we're superheroes. what can happen? vi! dash! no! stay here, okay? bob! kids! lucius, try to buy us some time! first button! got it! get out of here, kids! find a safe spot! not yet! a closer target! you got one shot! come on. we're in a limo. honey, uh, yeah, i'm trying to listen to messages, honey. bob, listen to this. replacement? i didn't call a replacement. he's getting away, bob! we have to do something! we have to do something now! something's happening. what's happening?! we have to stop him! throw something! throw me. bob, throw me! look at mommy, honey. don't look down. mommy's got you. everything is all right. that's my girl. second! dash, i'm so proud of you.