hello, mr. incredible. yes, we know who you are. rest assured, your secret is safe with us. my name is mirage. we have something in common. according to the government, neither of us exist. please pay attention, as this message is classified and will not be repeated. i represent a top secret division of the government, designing and testing experimental technology, and we have need of your unique abilities. something has happened at our testing facility. it is contained within an isolated area, it threatens to cause incalculable damage to itself and to our facilities, jeopardizing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment. because of its highly sensitive nature. if you accept, your payment will be triple your current annual salary. call the number on the card. voice-matching will be used to ensure security. the supers aren't gone, mr. incredible. you're still here. you can still do great things. or. you can listen to police scanners. your choice. you have 24 hours to respond. think about it. the omnidroid 9000 is a top secret prototype battle robot. lts artificial intelligence enables it to solve any problem it's confronted with. and, unfortunately. we lost control. and now it's loose in the jungle, threatening our facility. we've had to evacuate all personnel from the island for their own safety. the omnidroid's defenses necessitate an air drop from 5000 feet. lts cloaking devices make it difficult to track. although we're pretty sure it's on the southern half of the island. one more thing. obviously it represents a significant investment. you are mr. lncredible. i've got to warn you, it's a learning robot. every moment you spend fighting it only increases its knowledge of how to beat you. and don't die. actually, you look rather dashing. oh, i'm sorry. he won't be dining with us. he hopes you'll understand. he prefers a certain amount of anonymity. surely, you of all people understand that. with a volcano? he's attracted to power. so am i. it's a weakness we share. i prefer to think of it as misunderstood. volcanic soil is among the most fertile on earth. everything at the table was grown right here. how does it compare? we have a new assignment for you. how soon can you get here? see you there. hello, mr. lncredible. nice suit. you'll be briefed on your assignment in the conference room at two. d wing, room a-113. see you there. we have a confirmed hit. target was destroyed. he's not weak, you know. valuing life is not weakness. and disregarding it is not strength. next time you gamble, bet your own life! there isn't much time. please. family survived the crash. they're here on the island! hello. you must be mrs. incre-- they might've triggered the alert. security's been sent into the jungle. you better get going. say please.