he'll live. oh, you think? nothing you haven't said before. someone's always in trouble. yeah. every time you say those words, it means a month and a half of trouble for me, bob. it means hundreds of thousands of taxpayer's dollars. we gotta pay to keep the company quiet. we gotta pay damages, erase memories, relocate your family. every time it gets harder. money, money, money, money. we can't keep doing this, bob! we appreciate what you did in the old days, but those days are over. from now on, you're on your own. listen, bob. maybe i could relocate you, you know, for old times' sake. take care of yourself. we've frozen all of syndrome's assets. lf he even sneezes, we'll be there with a hanky and a pair of handcuffs. the people of this country are indebted to you. let the politicians figure that one out. but i've been asked to assure you we'll take care of everything else. you did good, bob. here we are.