he looked at me. nothing to report. i'm not hungry for meatloaf. shut up! i said, shut up, you little insect! that's it! you started it. normal? what do you know about normal? what does anyone in this family know about normal? we act normal, mom. i wanna be normal! the only normal one is jack-jack, and he's not even toilet trained. pretty loud discussion. good night. yeah. but why am i in charge again? you mean dad's in trouble, or dad is the trouble? what are these? but you're packing one just like it. are you hiding something? what's going on? what makes you think it's special? ow! it's not my fault! dash ran away, and i knew i'd get blamed for it-- but you said we weren't supposed to use our powers. i've never done one that big! it blew up! do you expect us to swim there? lf you haven't noticed, mom, we're not doing so hot either. you heard her. but you said never to use. i know what i said! remember the bad guys on those shows you used to watch on saturday mornings? well, these guys are not like those guys. they won't exercise restraint because you're children. they will kill you if they get the chance. do not give them that chance. mom? there's something i. mom! mom, what happened on the plane. i'm sorry. i wanted to help. i mean, when you asked me to. i'm sorry. what do you think is going on here? you think we're on vacation or something? mom and dad's lives could be in jeopardy. or worse, their marriage. oh, forget it. you're so immature. mom said to stay hidden. what did you do? what? what? ''voice key''? wait a second. run! away from here! dash, remember what mom said. dash, run! run! i don't know! mom! dad! hey! we were so worried about you. whoa. well, i think dad has made some excellent progress today but i think it's time we wind down now. you don't have to. use the coordinates from the last launch. super-duper, dad! i'm okay, mom. really. the remote controls the robot! mom, i've got it! i've got the remote! give me that! it doesn't work! we're not going anywhere! yeah, i just. yeah. thanks, dad. do we have to have cheerleaders at the track meet? i mean, what is that all about? hey. that's me. i feel different. is different okay? yeah? yeah? shh. i like movies. i'll buy the popcorn. okay? friday.