i'm thinking. you have any idea how long it takes for those things to decompose? dad, don't start. three years. look who's talking healthy. checkmate. see you tomorrow, dad. it was turned on. i was ignoring you. what's the big emergency? damn it, marty. there's a reason we have bins labeled "recycle." what the hell is this? did you try to switch to transponder channels? let's retrofit the dish to another satellite. that's impossible. there's good news and bad news. you're in meal penalty for disturbing my lunch. no. the good news is i found the problem and it's not our equipment. there's some weird signal embedded within the satellite feed. yes, because the analog signal has a definite sequential digital patterns embedded within it. when i find the exact binary sequence and i apply a phase reversed signal to that calculated spectra analyzer i built you last christmas, we should be able to block out the overlay completely. i've got a lock on the signal pattern. we can filter it out. strange thing is, if my calculations are right it'll be gone in approximately seven hours anyway. the signal reduces itself every time it recycles. eventually it will disappear. are you listening? what re you talking about? no way, i've got to see this. my god. the signal. tell her to get the kids and leave town. just do it! remember i told you that the signal hidden within our satellite signal is slowly recycling down to extinction. that signal. it's a countdown. think. it's like in chess. first you strategically position your pieces. then, when the timing's right. you strike. they are positioning themselves all over the world and using this one signal to synchronize their efforts. in approximately six hours the signal will disappear and the countdown will be over. checkmate. you have to leave the white house. you don't understand. you have to leave washington. i've worked with embedded loading. they're communicating with a hidden signal. they're going to attack. it's not paranoia. the embedding is very subtle. it's probably been overlooked. pops! you still got the olds? that's okay. you're driving. can't this thing go any faster? they don't know this. dad. this, pops, is every phone book in america. she always keeps her portable phone listed, for emergencies. sometimes it's just her first initial, sometime her nickname. nice driving, pops! i just haven't found it yet. i tried c. halbrook, connie halbrook, spunky halbrook. college nickname. she didn't take my name when we were married. perfect, she's using it. yes. i can use he signal to triangulate her exact position in the white house. all cable repairmen can. connie, don't hang up. walk to the window. right in front of you. fifty six minutes, forty five seconds. i want you to leave with us. right now. he's not going to listen to me. because last time i saw him i punched him in the face. he wasn't the president then. it's about "line o sight," mr. president. if you wanted t coordinate with ships all over the world, you couldn't send one signal to every place at the same time. that's called line of sight. mr. president, they are using our own satellites against us and the clock is ticking. moishe, please, don't talk. you can't be seriously considering firing nuclear weapons? if you fire nukes, so will the rest of the world. do you know what that kind of fall out will do? how many innocent people. this is insanity! you'll kill us and them at the same time. there'll be nothing left! dad, please. what kind of other means? hand signals, body language? all i did was stumble onto their signal. i don't know how helpful i can be. someone grab my laptop for me? maybe. these patterns here, they're repeating sequentially, just like. just my luck, no ice. a toast to the end of the world. you still believe in him. better be. you left me for him. i was part of something special. i'm making a mess. we've gotta burn the rain forest, pops. dump toxic waste, pollute the air, rip up the ozone. maybe if we screw this planet up enough they won't want it anymore. pops, you're a genius! a cold? of course. could anyone please step back away from the craft? lt. mitchell, would you mind drawing your pistol? from where you're standing, do you think you could shoot that can off the alien craft? sorry 'bout that. you see, it's protected by the craft's shields. we can't penetrate their defenses. my point is if we can't beat their defenses, then we must get around them. lt. mitchell, would you please try to shoot it again? i gave it a cold. just as they used our satellites against us, we can use their own signal against them. we'll have to fly their craft out of our atmosphere and dock with the mother ship. once they discover the virus it could be a matter of minutes. remove the clamps! any other questions? i'll see how they're doing with the radio transmitter. we'll meet you there. we'll be well on our way out of there before we shoot that thing off. then cross your fingers the shields go down. if anything goes wrong i'll have to think quickly, adjust the signal, who knows? you know how i'm always trying to save the planet. this is my chance. thanks, pops. i have a confession to make. i'm not real big on flying. what the hell are you doing? that's it. head straight for it. i was counting on that. they're bringing us in. must be thousands of them. what are they doing? these things are fully equipped. reclining bucket seats, power windows. we're in! the virus is in. all we can do now is pray. get us out of here! it's not me. they're overriding the system. check and mate. funny, i always thought things like these would kill me. you as well. not a chance in hell. doesn't matter. game's over. did it work?