who else knows about this? looks like a big turd. a meteor? how do you know? it's doing what? get me the secretary of defense. then wake him up. forgive me, but with the little information we do have, the only thing that would accomplish is turn one dangerous falling object into many. that's not your call to make, mr. nimziki. where in the pacific? they've spotted one off the california coast line. mr. president, we have an awac on the west coast. e.t.a. with contact point, three minutes. get them back on line. sir, i strongly recommend we move you to a secured location immediately. with your permission, mr. president, i'd like to remain my your side. sir, what happens if they do become hostile? more ships keep arriving, fifteen in total so far. we're trying to communicate with them on all frequencies but we're getting nowhere. atlantic command is working on a type of visual communication. but mr. president. she should be shortly. the helicopter never arrived at nellis and there's been no radio contact. all satellites, microwave and ground communications with the cities are gone. we believe we're looking at a total loss. eta with target; four minutes. fire at will. have norad relay intelligence to our on board computers? we've moved as many of our forces away from the bases as possible but we've already sustained heavy losses. what's the latest from norad? my god, the vice president and the joint chiefs. sir, i remind you that you are just a guest here. you were the head of the national intelligence agency! you knew all about this. when were you planning on informing the rest of us!? christ, why didn't you say anything about this when they first arrived? you could have warned us before we launched a counter attack that cost us hundreds of american pilots! and there are scattered reports of sightings over miami, ft. worth, and memphis. we're down to approximately fifteen percent, sir. if you calculate the time it takes them to destroy a city and move on, we're looking at world wide destruction of every major city within the next thirty six hours. didn't anyone tell you? i'm sorry. el toro was destroyed in the attack. wait. can you hear me? is that glass bullet proof? mr. president, are you okay? the major cities have been deserted. civilian casualties should be at a minimum, sir. mr. president, do you wish to deploy. how did you do that? are you telling us you can send out a signal that will disable all their shields? how long would their shields be down? with their shields down it might be possible. yes, sir. better than we thought. we have confirmed divisions of troops from different armies all around the world. most of europe, the middle east and asia are battle ready. pilots, sir. we don't have enough people to get them in the air. beggars can't be choosers, sir. mr. president, just what do you think you're doing? roger, eagle one, our primary target has shifted course. i think our secret is out. they're headed right for us. eta thirty six minutes. do not engage until we've confirmed the package has been delivered. eagle one. the package is being delivered. stand by to engage. delivery complete. engage. keep your fingers crossed. it didn't work. disengage. sir, get your people out of there. you did it! a direct hit! they're getting ready to fire the big gun. you're going to have to find a vulnerable spot, fast. we're out of time. get out of there! get as far away as you can. let's get on the wire. tell every squadron around the world how to shoot those fuckers down.