general grey is standing by the large map tracking the alien ships over the united states. constance is standing by lt. mitchell behind the military cadre coordinating the battle. mitchell turns from one of the consoles to general grey. mitchell and general grey move over to a monitor showing visual from the present's plane. they see the missile moving towards target. they watch the missile blow up harmlessly. deflated, general grey grabs his mic. we see the explosion on the monitor. everyone in the room over monitors the general observes the aerial battle. this room, too, rocks from the explosions. the monitors flicker. in all the commotion, no one notices as miguel sneaks inside. everyone is gripped to the screen as we see it get closer and closer to the closing bay doors. miguel is aghast. the room erupts in cheers. everyone, that is, except miguel. intercepting the celebration, general grey moves over to a radio technician.