it's too early, baby. not even a four pointer. go back to sleep. he's trying to impress you. dylan out there? coffee? you want milk with your coffee? you can't go. call them back. you said you were on leave for the fourth. why? that's why. that thing scares the piss out of me. wait. i have to tell you something. be careful. really? you don't mind? you know, you're not as charming as you think you are. dick-weed! i'll take these. i can't believe i even came in tonight. what was i thinking? you're not thinking of joining those idiots? tiffany, i don't want you to go up there. promise me you won't. promise! okay. i'm gone. i'm outta town for a while. you try to find a sitter today. nice working with you, mario. now he tells me. boomer, come. come boy! i don't know, badly. hop on. we're heading out to el toro. give me a hand. let's get her out of here. hey, you're welcome to come with us. we're leaving here anyway. this "bitch" was born in alabama with a daddy who loved to hunt. so don't think for one second that i don't know how to use this. these should last us a while. don't move. stay still. he's my angel. he wasn't his father. i was kinda hoping he'd want the job, though. i'm a dancer. no. exotic. don't be. i'm not. it's good money. 'side, he's worth it. funny, it used to scare me when i thought about the future. guess it doesn't really matter anymore. dylan, come here. i want you to meet the first lady. didn't want to say anything. i voted for the other guy. you're late. i'm so sorry. i had to borrow it. i guess that's good enough. how do i look? you're a lot of help. you're late. i know, you like to make a big entrance. sorry for what? any word from steve? you scared the hell out of me. dick-weed.