what if it doesn't "pass us by?" let's retarget some icbms to blow it out of the sky. get on the horn with atlantic command. let's upgrade the situation to defcon 3. i don't think so. well that's good news. where are they heading? like it or not, we're at defcon 3. recall the troops and put them on yellow alert. organize a military escort to crystal mountain. mr. president, you can discuss this on the way. we must maintain a working government in a time of crisis. but, mr. president. this is crazy. we're loosing our first strike capabilities! you're leaving now? what the hell's going on? i spoke with the joint chief when they arrived at norad. they agree, we must launch a counter offensive with a full nuclear strike. hit 'em with everything we've got. if we don't strike soon, there may not be much of an america left to defend. that's impossible. mr. president, we must launch. a delay now would be more costly than when you waited to evacuate the cities! sit down and shut up! uh, excuse me, mr. president, but that's not entirely accurate. two words, mr. president. plausible deniability. it had been deemed classified. mr. president? mr. president? it's a hit! we got the bastards! the other bombers might have more luck. we shouldn't just give up. all right, connie, we're here. what's this all about? we know that already. what's your point? and just how do we infect the "mother ship" with a virus? this is ridiculous. you want us to co-ordinate a massive world wide counter strike with a window of only a few minutes? please, you're not buying into any of this nonsense, are you? we don't have the manpower or the resources to launch that kind of a campaign. not to mention that this whole cockamamie plan is dependent on a machine that no one in the world is qualified to operate. that thing's a wreck. it crash landed back in the fifties! we don't even know if it's capable of flying. i understand that you're upset over the death of your wife but that's no excuse for making another fatal mistake. he can't do that. i'm not jewish.