put it on.
can we expect the same kid of panic here as in russia?
i'm not leaving.
i want the vice president, secretary of defense, the whole cabinet and the joint chiefs taken to a secured location. i'm staying here. i am not going to add to a public hysteria that could cost lives.
so far these things have not become hostile. for the moment let's assume they won't. connie, let's issue statements advising people not to panic, to stay home and take cover.
i had a feeling you would.
then god help us.
where are we?
he used to run the nasa. he knows where all the bones are buried. comes in handy.
what the hell's he doing here?
i don't have time for this.
general grey, co-ordinate with atlantic command. tell them they have twenty five minutes to get as many people out of the cities as they can.
and get those helicopters away from the ship. call them back immediately.
we're leaving.
they're okay. let them on!
is my wife in the air?
i could have evacuated the cities hours ago. you know, when i flew in the gulf war everything is simple. we knew what we had to do. it's not simple anymore, connie. a lot of people died today. how many didn't have to?
any news on my wife?
where are they?
then get them out of there.
above american soil?
sir, there wasn't much more we could have done. we were totally unprepared for this.
regardless of what the tabloids have said, there were never any space crafts recovered by the government. take my word for it, there is no area 51 and no recovered space ship.
why the hell wasn't i told about this place?
i don't understand. where did all this come from? how did this get funded?
we've had this for forty years and you don't know anything about them?
people are dying out there. i don't think "exciting" is the word i'd choose to describe it!
what can you tell us about the enemy we're facing?
can they be killed?
you unlocked a part of that technology. you cracked their code.
show them what you've discovered. work together. we've got to find a way to beat them.
atlanta, chicago and philadelphia, destroyed?
and our forces?
we're being exterminated.
lieutenant, congratulations.
where is the prisoner now?
i'd like to see him.
why did you people come here?
where do your people come from? where is your home?
and before here?
can we negotiate a truce? is there room for co-existance? can there be peace between us?
what do you want us to do?
he wanted me to understand. he communicated with me. they're like locusts. they travel from planet to planet, their whole civilization. after they've consumed every natural resource they move on. and we're next.
prepare a nuclear strike.
who will we reach first?
oh my god, houston.
may our children forgive us.
can they see it? did it destroy the target?
call them back.
i said call them back.
how is she?
honey, why don't you wait outside so mommy can get some rest.
it's okay. the doctors said you're going to be just fine.
i just wanted to thank you. you're a very brave woman.
yes, baby. mommy's sleeping.
let's do it.
the only mistake i made was appointing a sniveling little weasel like you chief of staff.
how're we doing?
and our troops here?
but what, general?
then find them.
good morning. in less than one hour planes from here and all around the world will launch the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind.  mankind. the word has new meaning for all of us now. we are reminded not of our petty differences but of our common interests.
i'm a pilot, will. this is where i belong.
grey, you read me?
where's it headed?
we have visual.
come on, baby.
not yet!
we're going in! squadron leaders, take point.
i've got an idea. keep 'em off my tail.
let's take 'em out before they take us out.
i'm out of missiles! eagle 2?
doesn't anyone have any damned missiles left?!
who is that? what are you doing?
we're getting reports from all over. their ships are going down!