he's doing a good job. neighbors are moving. i think they're tired of earthquakes. hon, something's on the table 'bout the quake. what have you been up to, sport? baby, you know how it is. i have to report to el toro right away. they cancelled it. why are you acting like this? here. i got these for you. be careful with them. what? look, after your shift tonight, why don't you grab dylan and come stay with me on base. naw. i'll just tell my other girlfriends they can't come over tonight. yes, i am. butt-munch. ah, were you guys waiting for me? well, the mail's still working. how to kiss ass. i thought you said you were doing to break it off. you won't exactly need radar to find it. sorry, sir. just real anxious to kick some alien ass. jimmy crack corn, do you have victory dance? don't get premature on me, jimmy. we don't light up 'til the fat lady sings. i shouldn't have left her. let's lock and load. damn it! command, eagle one. switching to "sidewinders." we're moving in. they must have some kind of protective shield surrounding their hull. pull up. evasive maneuvers! check six! jimmy, roll right. i'll cover. maybe we can out run them. follow my lead. jimmy, kick it! they're gaining. so push it! jimmy, stay with me. jimmy! no!!!! okay, jerk-off. let's have some fun. damn it! let's see if you're fully equipped. now that's a close encounter. when i flew overhead, i saw some kind of base, not far. trust me, it's there. you want to see my clearance? three hours. thank you, sir. general, i'm anxious to get back to el toro. i'm just going to borrow it. you really want to shoot me? you know how i like to make a big entrance. it certainly does. i wouldn't say that, sir. i've seen them in action. i've watched their maneuvers. with your permission, sir, i'd like the opportunity to try. it's just like an amraam launch pad on the stealths. oh shit, we're late. you know me. before we do this, i want you to know i'm sorry. i should have done this a long long time ago. you bet. when i'm back we'll light those fireworks. damn it. we can't go yet. i gotta find some cigars. you're a lifesaver. hang on to this. for our victory dance. but not 'til we hear the fat lady sing. great. you ready? let' rock and roll. oops. let's try that again. just getting a feel for her. you still with me? i've waited a long time for this. something's happening. it's not responding. looks like they're preparing the invasion. this won't work. they'll see before we can do anything. i can't shake her free. what're you doing? damn! i guess there's nothing left to do. let's nuke 'em. nice meeting you. ready? think they know what's coming? we're loose! i don't hear no fat lady. yeah, but what an entrance! butt-munch. didn't i promise you fireworks?