you've got itl all your life. well done, indy. very well done, indeed this will find a place of honor in our spanish collection. yes. my treat. your father and i have been friends since time began. i've watched you grow up, indy. and i've watched the two of you grow apart. i've never seen you this concerned about him before. dear god. what has the old fool got himself into now? it's today's mail. and it's been opened. what is it? i don't know. but someone must want it pretty badly. the search for the cup of christ is the search for the divine in all of us. but if you want facts, indy, i have none to give you. at my age, i'm prepared to take a few things on faith. i'll tell him we'll take two. tell me, what's going to happen when we get to venice? schneider? oh, well. that's good. thank you. yes. uh, how will we recognize this doctor schneider when we see him? that's right. uh. how do you do? i hate to interrupt youbut the reason we're here it looks like a converted church. where? look, indy. the roman numerals! well, now we know the source of the numbers, but we still don't know what they mean. uh, yes. three, seven and tent that window seems to be the source of the roman numerals. ohhhh. . . it's better, now i've seen this. it's the name of a city. "alexandretta?" hmmm. your father would know. your father did know. look. he made a map. he must have pieced it together from clues scattered through the whole history of the grail quest. a map with no names. now, he knew there was a city with an oasis due east. here. he knew the course turned south through the desert to a river, and the river led into the mountains. here. straight to the canyon. he knew everything except where to begin, the name of the city. yes. now we know. what about you? does anyone here speak english? or even ancient greek? no water, no thank you. no, fish make love in it. thank you so much. no, i don't like that. no, i really don't want. no, no, thank you very much. no, thank you, madam. i'm a vegetarian. does anyone understand a word i'm saying here? oh, sallahl what a relief! oh, he's in austria. a slight detour. yes, but don't panic. everything's under control. have you. . .have you arranged our supplies? oh, this map will show you. it was drawn by, uh. oh, what?. your servant, sir. my reputation precedes me. yes. yes. did you say? uh, uh. i'd rather spit in your face. but as i haven't got any spit. you're meddling with powers you cannot possibly comprehend. arghhh! oh! "aid our own resuscitation!" henryl what are you doing here?! henry, the pen but don't you see? the pen is mightier than the sword. look what you didl how does one get off this thing? no, henry. try not to talk. rushes forward and calls to indy. indy. indy, you must hurry!! come quickly! may we go home now, please? indy! henryl follow met i know the way! haaa!