i trust your trip down was comfortable, doctor jones. my men didn't alarm you, i hope. my name is donovan. walter donovan. well, like yourself, doctor jones, i have a passion for antiquities. have a look over here. this might interest you. that was our assessment as well. my engineers unearthed it in the mountain region north of ankara while excavating for copper. can you translate the inscription? the holy grail, doctor jones. the chalice used by christ during the last supper. the cup that caught his blood at the crucifixion and was entrusted to joseph of arimathaea. eternal life, doctor jones! the gift of youth to whoever drinks from the grail. oh, now that's a bedtime story i'd like to wake up to! every man's dream. including your father's, i believe. be along in a moment, dear. hard to resist, isn't it? the holy grail's final resting place described in detail! just the same, an attempt to recover the grail is currently underway. let me tell you another "bedtime story, " doctor jones. after the grail was entrusted to joseph of arimathaea, it disappeared and was lost for a thousand years before it was found again by three knights of the first crusade. three brothers, to be exact. not "supposedly," doctor jones. this is the manuscript in which the friar chronicled the knight's story. it doesn't reveal on location of the grail, i'm afraid. but the knight promised that two "markers" that had been left behind would. this tablet is one of those "markers." it proves the knight's story is true. but as you pointed outit's incomplete. now, the second "marker" is entombed with the knight's dead brother. our project leader believes that tomb to be located within the city of venice, italy. as you can now see, doctor jones, we're about to complete a great quest that began almost two thousand years ago. we're only one step away. you could be more right than you know. we've hit a snag. our project leader has vanished. along with all his research. uh, we received a cable from his colleague, doctor schneider, who has no idea of his whereabouts or what's become of him. i want you to pick up the trail where he left off. find the man and you will find the grail. we already have. your father is the man who's disappeared. don't worry. doctor schneider will be there to meet you. i maintain an apartment in venice, at your disposal. doctor jones. good luck. be very careful. don't trust anvbody. didn't i warn you not to trust anybody, doctor jones? doctor schneider there're pages torn out of thisl where are these missing pages? this maps we must have these pages backs he sticks out like a sore thumb. we'll find him. take this diary to the reich museum in berlin. it will show them our progress, ahead of schedule. without a map, i'm afraid it's no better than a souvenir. always do what the doctor orders. well, we have marcus brody. but more important, we have the map. "by the personal command of the fuhrer. secrecy essential to success. eliminate the american conspirators." germany has declared war on the jones boys. los fahren. these pages are taken from professor jones' diary, your highness. and they include a map that pinpoints the exact location of the grail. as you can see, the grail is all but in our hands. however, your highness, we would not think of crossing your soil without your permission, nor of removing the grail from your borders without suitable compensation. precious valuables, your highness, "donated" by some of the finest families in all of germany. the keys are in the ignition, your highness. you're welcome. care to wet your whistle, marcus? well, marcus, we are on the brink of the recovery of the greatest artifact in the history of mankind. maybe it wasn't even jones. put brody in the tank. well, in this sun, without transportation, they're as good as dead. it's jones, all right. who is he? colonel? jones is getting away. not that jonesthe other jones! the canyon of the crescent moon. helmut, another volunteer! step back now, doctor schneider. give doctor jones some room. he's going to recover the grail for us. impossible? what do you say, jones? ready to go down in history? nazis?!is that the limit of your vision?! the nazis want to write themselves into the grail legend and take on the world. well, they're welcome. but i want the grail itself. the cup that gives everlasting life. hitler can have the world, but he can't take it with him. i'm going to be drinking my own health when he's gone the way of the dodo. the grail is mine, and you're going to get it for me. you know something, doctor jones?. you're absolutely right. get back! you can't save him when you're dead. the healing power of the grail is the only thing that can save your father now. it's time to ask yourself what you believe. we're through! which one is it? i'm not a historian. i have no idea what it looks like. which one is it? thank you, doctor. oh, yes. it's more beautiful than i'd ever imagined. this certainly is the cup of the king of kings. eternal life! what . . . is . . . happening. . . to . . . me. . .? what. . . is . . . happening. . . ?