doctor jones? i knew it was you you have your father's eyes. looks like the best parts have already been spoken for. marcus brody? doctor elsa schneider. the last time i saw your father we were in the library. he was very close to tracking down the knight's tomb. i've never seen him so excited. he was as giddy as a schoolboy. i usually don't. in that case, i permit you. but i'm already sadby tomorrow it will have faded. yes. i have something to show you. i left your father working in the library. he sent me to the map section to fetch an ancient plan of the city. when i got back to his tablehe'd gonewith all his papersexcept for that scrap which i found near his chair. here is the library. in this case it's the literal truth. we're on holy ground. these columns over here. were brought back as spoils of war after the sacking of byzantium during the crusades. now please excuse me. the library's closing in a few moments. i'll arrange for us to stay a little longer. find something? my god, i must be blind you don't disappoint, doctor jones. you're a great deal like your father. lower me down. pagan symbols. fourth or fifth century. the christians would have dug their own passages and burial chambers centuries later. what's this one? are you sure? look at the artistry of these carvings and the scrollwork. it's this one. what's that? just like your fathergiddy as a schoolboy. wouldn't it be wonderful if he were here now to see this? what? what? go between them? are you crazy?! you said go between them! no!! my room! what were they looking for? the grail diary. you had it? you didn't trust me! oh, yes. give them a flower and they'll follow you anywhere. no? it's lucky i don't do things the same way. you'd still be standing at the venice pier. how dare you kiss me! and i hate arrogant men. i know the brunwalds are famous art collectors. what are you going to do? how do you know? indy? indy? indy, please! indy, no! indy, please! do what he says! i'm sorry. but you should have listened to your father. this book contained a mapa map with no namesprecise directions from the unknown city to the secret canyon of the crescent moon. you're wasting your breath. he won't tell us. and he doesn't have to. it's perfectly obvious where the pages are. . he's given them to marcus brody. so? thank you, herr oberst. i will meet you at iskenderun. no. if we fail to recover the pages from brody, we'll need them alive. don't look at me like thatwe both wanted the grail, i would have done anything to get it. you would have done the same. i can't forget. how wonderful it was. that's how austrians say goodbye. how did you get here? you came back for the book? whv? is that what you think of me? i believe in the grail, not the swastika. you do. all i have to do is scream. we have no time to lose. indiana jones and his father have escaped. no. it's him all right. he's here somewhere. i never expected to see you again. no!! let me choose. it would not be made out of gold. steps forward and picks up the grail. she turns to indy, her face alight with possession of the grail. we have got it. come on. it's ours, indy. yours and mine. i can reach it. i can reach it.