out! then waitcount to twenty. junior! in greek. may he who illuminated this. illuminate me. junior? it is you junior! but what are you doing here? late fourteenth century, ming dynasty. oh, it breaks the heart. i'll never forgive myself thank god! it's fake. see, you can tell by the cross section. well, i am sorry about your head, though. but i thought you were one of them. good point. but better safe than sorry. humpfso i was wrong this time. but by god, i wasn't wrong when i mailed you my diary. you obviously got it. through the library? i knew it. and the tomb of sir richard? he was actually there? you saw him? and his shield. the inscription on sir richard's shield? alexandretta. of course. on the pilgrim trail from the eastern empire. oh, junior. you did it. if only i could have been with you. rats? they want my diary. i knew i had to get that book as far away from me as i possibly could. you doltl do you think that my son would be that stupid that he would bring my diary all the way back here? you didn't, did you? you didn't bring it, did you? you did!! i should have mailed it to the marx brothers. take it easy?! why do you think i sent it home in the first place? so it wouldn't fall into their hands!! oh yeah? and who's gonna come to save you, junior?? look what you did!! i can't believe what you just. but she's one of them! she's a nazi! trust me! oh yeah? go ahead! don't worry. he won't. and don't listen to her! umh? she talks in her sleep. i didn't trust her. why did you? i misjudged you walteri knew you'd sell your mother for an etruscan vase. but i didn't know you'd sell your country and your soul to the slime of humanity. marcus?! you didn't drag poor marcus along, did you? he's not up to the challenge. intolerable. thank you. it was rather wonderful. ohh. . . so did i. you said he had two days' start. that he would blend in. disappear! what am i looking for? feels like a cigarette lighter. very good. i ought to tell you something. the floor's on fire! see?! and the chair. what? what? what? oh. our situation has not improved. this is intolerable! well done, boy! i find that if i just sit down and think. the solution presents itself. would you say this has been just another typical day for you? huh? what about the boat? we're not going on the boat? stop! stop! stop! you're going the wrong way! we have to get to berlin! my diary's in berlin. there is more in the diary than just the map. well, he who finds the grail must face the final challenge. three devices of such lethal cunning. oh, yes. but i found the clues that will safely take us through, in the chronicles of st. anselm. i wrote them down in my diary so that i wouldn't have to remember yes! the only thing that matters is the grail. marcus would agree with me. that's for blasphemy. the quest for the grail is not archaeology. it's a race against evil. if it is captured by the nazis, the armies of darkness will march all over the face of the earth. do you understand me? oh yes, she did. only too well. unfortunately she kept her illness from me until all i could do was mourn her. my boy, we are pilgrims in an unholy land. what did you get? good. when we're airborne, with germany behind us, then i'll share that sentiment. you know, sharing your adventures is an interesting experience. well, i'm as human as the next man. ships that pass in the night. hmmm. what did we talk about? and do i detect a rebuke? actually, i was a wonderful father. did i ever tell you to eat up? go to bed? wash your ears? do your homework? no. i respected your privacy and i taught you self- reliance. you left just when you were becoming interesting. very well. i'm here now. what do you want to talk about? hmmm? then what are you complaining about? look, we have work to do. when we get to alexandretta we will face three challenges. "first, the breath of god. only the penitent man will pass. second, the word of god, only in the footsteps of god will he proceed. third, the path of god, only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth. " i don't know. we'll find out. i didn't know you could fly a plane. what happens at eleven o'clock? more or less. son, i'm sorry. they got us. nice landing. those people are trying to kill us! it's a new experience for me. this is intolerable! faster, boy --faster! well, they don't come any closer than that! i suddenly remembered charlemagne. "let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky." now they have the map! and in this sort of race, there's no silver medal for finishing second. what do you think you're doing?! get down! now, who are all these people? marcus! "genius of the restoration" it's a rescue, old boys come on. it tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them. junior? junior? junior! what? it's war. didn't i tell you it was a rescue, huh? you call this archaeology? where's marcus?! junior?! oh, god. i've lost him. and i never told him anything. i just wasn't ready, marcus. five minutes would have been enough. i thought i'd lost you, boy. wellwell done! come on! let's go then. why are you sitting there resting when we're so near the end? come on let's go! junior. . . "only the penitent man will pass. only the penitent man will pass." the penitent man. the penitent. penitent. penitent. no. lifts his head painfully. the word of god. the name of god. still lies in sallah's arms. brody leans over him. but in the latin alphabet, "jehovah" begins with an "i." reacts. oh dear! calls to his son. you must believe, boy. you must. believe. junior! junior! junior, give me your other hand! i can't hold on!! indiana. indiana!! let it go. elsa never really believed in the grail. she thought she'd found a prize. me?. illumination. what did you find, junior? that's his name. henry jones, junior. we named the dog indiana. ready. got lost in his own museum, huh? after you, junior.