shhhl it's the cross of coronadol cortes gave it to him in 15201 that cross is an important artifact. it belongs in a museum. run back and find the others. tell mister havelock that there are men looting in the caves. have him bring the sheriff. it's only a snake. did you hear what i said? i don't know. i'll think of something. mister havelock! anybody everybody's lost but me! hyahl hyah! oh. oh. oh. holy smokes! ohhh! it belongs to coronado. this should be in a museum. magic? dad! dad! dad! dad! it's important! no, dad. you listen to me one, two, three, four. one. two. three. four. just the man i want to see! now, there were five or six of them. they came after. me. well, yes, sir. it's right here! too small for two of us. that belongs in a museum archaeology is. the search for fact. not truth. if it's truth you're interested in, doctor tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall. so forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. eve do not follow maps to buried treasure and "x" never, ever, marks the spot. seventy percent of all archaeology is done in the library. research. reading. we cannot afford to take mythology at face value. next week: "egyptology." starting with the excavation of naukratis by blinders petrie in 1885. i will be in my office if anybody's got any problems for the next hour and a half. marcus! i did it! you know how long i've been looking for that?! all my life! we can discuss my honorarium over dinner and champagne tonight. your treat. shush! shush! shushl okay. irene, put everyone's name on a list, in the order they arrived, and i'll see each and every one of them in turn. "venice, italy." i know who you are mr. donovan. your contributions to the museum over the years have been extremely generous. some of the pieces in your collection here are very impressive. well, it's sandstone. christian symbol. early latin text. mid- twelfth century, i should think. where did this come from? ". who drinks the water i shall give him, says the lord, will have a spring inside him welling up for eternal life. let them bring me to your holy mountain in the place where you dwell. across the desert and through the mountain to the canyon of the crescent moon, to the temple where the cup that" "where the cup that holds the blood of jesus christ resides forever. " the arthur legend. i've heard this bedtime story before. an old man's dream. grail lore is his hobby. he's a teacher of medieval literature. the one the students hope they don't get. what good is it? this grail tablet speaks of deserts and mountains and canyons. pretty vague. where do you start looking? maybe if the tablet were intact, you'd have something to go on. but the entire top portion is missing. i've heard this one as well. two of these brothers walked out of the desert one hundred and fifty years after having found the grail and began the long journey back to france. but only one of them made it. and before dying of extreme old age, he supposedly imparted his tale to ato a franciscan friar, i think. that's usually when the ground falls out from underneath your feet. yes? you've got the wrong jones, mister donovan. why don't you try my father? dad? he's an academic a bookworm. he's not a field mans dad? dad? i don't know. but whatever it is, he's in over his head! dad? mail! that's it, marcus! venice, italy! it's dad's grail diary. every clue he ever followed. every discovery he made. a complete record of his search for the holy grail. this is his whole life. why would he have sent this to me? do you believe, marcus? do you believe the grail actually exists? call donovan, marcus. tell him i'll take that ticket to venice now. ah, venice. i don't know. maybe he'll know us. yes? and my mother's ears. but the rest belongs to you. who? attila the professor? he was never giddy, even when he was a schoolboy! frauleinwill you permit me? i usually don't either. it would make me very happy. tomorrow i'll steal you another. roman numerals. that doesn't look much like a library. marcusi've seen this window before. right here. in dad's diary. you see? dad was onto something here! my dad sent me this diary for a reason. until we find out why, i suggest we keep it to ourselves. dad wasn't looking for a book about the knight's tomb. he was looking for the tomb itself don't you get it? the tomb is somewhere in the library! you said yourself it used to be a church! look. three. three! seven. seven. ten. and ten. now where's the ten? look around for the ten. three, seven and ten. ten. "x" marks the spot. bingo. except he's lost, and i'm not. look after this for me, will you? come on. right. six hundred years before the crusades. that's right. if there's a knight of the first crusade entombed down here, that's where we'll find him. the ark of the covenant. pretty sure. watch out. petroleum. i could sink a well down here and retire. give me the lighter. oh, rats. come onl come here. look. . . it must be one of these. this is itl we found it! look the engraving on the shield. it's the same as on the grail tablets the shield is the second marker! it's a rubbing dad made of the grail tablet. he never would have made it past the rats! he hates rats! he's scared to death of them! get back! back against the wall. quick! under it! air pocket! don't wander off. i think i've found a way out. deep breath. ah, venicel are you crazy?! you don't go between them! i said go around! i said don't go between them! why are you trying to kill us? my father was looking for the holy grail. did you kill him too? where is he? talkor you're dead. damn it, tell me! tell me! then we'll die. this is your last chance. all right! where's my father who are you? and why were you trying to kill me? i didn't come for the cup of christ. i came to find my father. how's the head? the knights of the first crusade laid siege to the city of alexandretta for over a year. the entire city was destroyed. the present city of iskenderun is built on its ruins. marcus you remember what the grail tablet said. "across the desert and through the mountain to the canyon of the crescent moon." but where exactly? alexandretta. now we know. marcus, get hold of sallah. tell him to meet you in iskenderun. i'm going after dad. elsa? elsa? elsa? elsa? mine, too. this. uh-huh. i didn't know you. at least i let you tag along. knock it off. you're not mad. no. you like the way i do things. look, what do you think is going on here? since i've met you, i've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait. we're caught in the middle of something sinister here. my guess is dad found out more than he was looking for. and until i'm sure, i'm going to continue to do things the way i think they should be done. leave me alone. i don't like fast women. ahh, venice. what do you know about this place? don't know. think of something. and not before time! did you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep all day? we're drenched! now look! i've gone and caught a sniffle. don't take that tone with me, my good man. now buttle off and tell baron brunwald that lord clarence macdonald and his lovely assistant are here to view the tapestries. dear me, the man is dense. this is a castle, isn't it? there are tapestries? how dare he?! nazis. i hate these guys. this one. i think he's in here. because it's wired. don't worry. this is kid's play. i'll be right back. yes, sirl don't call me that, please. i came to get you! what do you think? and the head. you hit me, dad! don't worryi'm fine. no! dad, get your stuff. we've got to get out of here. dad, they come in through the doors. i got it and i used it. we found the entrance to the catacombs. right. found it. well, what was left of him. alexandretta. no, dad. you did. forty years. there were rats, dad. yeah. big ones. what do the nazis want with you dad? yeah? yeah. . . well, uh. look, can we discuss this later? will you take it easy! i came here to save you. i told you-- --don't call me junior! elsa? elsa? what?! no! don't shoot! wait! waitl no, don't be. she ransacked her own room and i fell for it. how did you know she was a nazi? how did you she was a nazi? donovan so it did. the hell you will. he's got a two-day head-start on you, which is more than he needs. brody's got friends in every town and village from here to the sudan. he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom. he'll blend in. disappear. you'll never see him again. with any luck, he's got the grail already. i'm sorry you think so. ooooh. i like the austrian way better. let's try and get these ropes loose. we've got to get to marcus before the nazis do! are you kidding?i made that up! you know marcushe got lost once in his own museum! can you try and reach into my left jacket pocket? my lucky charm. try and burn through the ropes. don't get sentimental now dad save it 'til we get out of here. what??? all right, movel move! rock your chair. do what i do. dad! dad! dad! head for the fireplace! i think i can get these ropes off. whoopsl listen dad. i'm almost free. i'm out, dad! come on dad. dead end. there's got to be a. a secret door around. a passageway or something. dad! great. more boats. ooofl no! it's been better than most. come on, dad. come onl ha! what? brody's this way. you don't need the diary, dad. marcus has the map. all right dadtell me. what final challenge? booby traps? but what are they? can't you remember? half the german army's on our tail and you want me to go to berlin? into the lion's den? what about marcus? two selfless martyrs. jesus christl this is an obsession dad. i never understood it. never. neither did mom. fraulein doctor. where is it? where is it? i want it. my father didn't want it incinerated. yet you stood up to be counted with the enemy of everything the grail stands forwho gives a damn what you think? all i have to do is squeeze. i've got it. let's get the hell out of here. i don't know. the first available flight out of germany. well, we made it. relax. sits back in his chair, looks to henry, now reading his newspaper. fahrscheine, bitte. tickets please. fahrscheine meine dame. bitte. fahrscheine meine herr. tickets please. no ticket. that's not all we shared. it's disgraceful. you're old enough to be her fa---er, her grandfather! i was the next man. do you remember the last time we had a quiet drink? i had a milk shake. we didn't talk. we never talked. a regret. it was just the two of us, dad. it was a lonely way to grow up. for you, too. if you had been an ordinary, average father like the other guys' dads, you'd have understood that. when? what you taught me was that i was less important to you than people who had been dead for five hundred years in another country. and i learned it so well that we've hardly spoken for twenty years. dad, how can you --? well. i can't think of anything. what does that mean? they're turning around. they're taking us back to germany. well, i thought it would take them a lot longer to figure out the radio was dead. come on, dad. move! come on, dad. come on! fly--yes. land--no. dad, you're gonna have to use the machine gun. get it ready. eleven o'clock! dadeleven o'clock!! twelveeleventen. eleven o'clock. fire! dad, are we hit?! hang on, dads we're going in! thanks. i know, dadl it happens to me all the time. this could be close. dad, he's coming back. bullets kick up sand leading up to him. then what happened to marcus, sallah? ah, i see brody. he seems okay. they've got a tank. six-pound gun. dad, we're well out of range. come on--come on! who cares? as long as they're keeping donovan busy. dad, you stay here while sallah and i organize some transportation. i'm going after those horses. i don't need camels. no camels! leaps atop a turkish soldier on horseback, pulling the man and the horse to the ground. a second turk comes to assist his comrade; indy mounts the horse, knocking both turks to the ground. sallah, i said no camels! that's five camels. can't you count? where's my father? dad! dad! dad! dad! dad! dadl get it! dad? get out of there, dad! dad! hang on, dad! sallah! get dadl looks down at the fast-approaching cliff, his face filled with horror. we see his hat blow off and sail over the cliff's edge. i thought you had too, sir. i'm like a bad penny. i always turn up. as what? a nazi stooge like you? shooting me won't get you anywhere. dad?! "the breath of god. only the penitent man will pass. only the penitent man will pass. . . " "the penitent man will pass. the penitent man" the penitent man will pass. the penitent. the penitent. the penitent man. the penitent man is humble before god. the penitent man is humble. he kneels before god. kneel!! i'm through! "the second challenge is the word of god. only in the footsteps of god will he proceed." the word of god. the word of. "proceed in the footsteps of the word." the name of god. jehovahl "j." in latin, "jehovah" starts with an "i." "i". "e". "h". "o". "v". "a". "the path of flood. only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth." impossiblel nobody can jump this! it's. a leap of faith. oh, god. who are you? that was seven hundred years ago. i'm not exactly. a knight. what do you mean? listen, i don't have time to explain, but that's the cup of a carpenter. there's only one way to find out. dad, come on. get to your feet. elsa! elsa, don't movel elsa, don't cross the seal. the knight warned us not to take the grail from here. elsa. elsa don't. elsa. elsa. give me your other hand, honey. i can't hold you. elsa! give me your hand. give me your other hand! elsa!! i can get iti can almost reach it, dad. dad. . . please, dad. what did vou find, dad? junior?! dad. i like indiana. i've got a lot of fond memories of that dog. ready? uh-huh. yes, sir! haaa!