mister brodyl marcus brody, sir. and where is indy? you are on your own? oh, yes, of course. but where are we going? and i am his. there is no museum in iskenderun. papers? of course. run. papers, sir. got it here. just finished reading it myself. run! egyptian mail. morning edition. run! run! okay, okay, quick, quick, quickl hide in that doorl hide in that door! we go this way. get that camel out of the way! ah, they set out across the desert this afternoon. i believe they took mister brody with them. that car belonged to my brother- in-law. i'll take the camels. but, indy compensation for my brother-in- law's car. indy, your father and brody they have them. in the belly of that steel beast. father of indygive me your hand! give me your hand! indy?! he's all right. drop your guns. please. please. what does it always mean, this. this "junior?" the dog!? you are named after the dog.