no. we don't need them. we'll leave them. once we've got it, we'll be able to reach the plane by dusk. if they knew we were here, they would have killed us already. so this is where forrestal cashed in. competitor. he was good, very good. no one ever had what we have. partners. assuming that pillar there marks the corner and. let's go. forrestal. now, satipo, we don't want to be discouraged by every little thing. let me see that. try not to touch the vines. that's what scares me. you wait here. adios. too bad they don't know you like i do, belloq. get it going! get it going! go! i can't stand snakes. i hate them. i don't know. just because belloq had it doesn't mean he kept it. getting it away from those indians would be a neat trick i hope they got him. that's all right, phil. thanks a lot. no. i'll see you thursday. hey, if you don't like them, i can always return them. then what's wrong? what kind of people? government? i've already served. we haven't spoken in ten years. i'm afraid we had a bit of a falling out. just rumors. somewhere in asia, last i heard. i understand. tanis. ain't that somethin'! ah, ravenwood's no nazi. they're looking for the headpiece to the staff of ra. only half of it. ravenwood had the other half. it all has to do with the ark of the covenant. the chest the hebrews used to carry around the ten commandments. an egyptian pharaoh stole the ark from jerusalem and took it back to the city of tanis. a short time later, tanis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm that lasted a year. but before that, the pharaoh had had the ark hidden away in a secret chamber called the well of the souls. which is where the staff of ra comes in. now this was rather clever. the staff was really just a big stick - oh, i don't know, say like this - no one really knows for sure. any way, it was capped by an elaborate headpiece with a carving of the sun at the top. what you had to do was take the staff to a special map room in tanis - it had the whole city laid out in miniature on the floor. when you placed the staff in a certain spot in this room, at a certain time of day, the sun would shine through a hole here in the headpiece and then send a beam of light down here - to the map - giving you the location of the well of the souls. which is probably what the nazis are after. look like? why, it's right here. yes. that's what the hebrews thought. who knows. lightning. fire. the power of god. oh yes. the bible tells of it leveling mountains and wasting entire regions. moses promised that when the ark was with you, "your enemies will be scattered and your foes fell before you". an army which carries the ark before it is invincible. oh, there's one other thing that hitler undoubtably believes about the ark. it's said that the lost ark will be recovered at the time of the coming of the true messiah. most certainly. this isn't really a good time. all right. come on in. i'll be in a minute. good work, marcus. i had a feeling this would happen. and, of course, the museum gets the ark when we're done. okay, here's the way it's gonna be. first, i'll high-tail it to shanghai and get the piece from general hok. then i think i know where i can find ravenwood. if only i can get - i'll worry about that when the time comes. my only hope is to find the well of the souls before the nazis do. what's the hurry? great. got it. i've got to get to nepal. hello, marion. nice to see you, too. take it easy. i'm looking for your father. what happened? do you find him? not a bad way to go. doing what he loved. why not leave? go back to the states. where you gonna get it? i need one of the pieces your father collected. i never meant to hurt you. you knew what you were doing. i guess that depends on your definition. look, i did what i did. i don't expect you to be happy about it. but maybe we can do each other some good. shut up and listen for a second. i want that piece your father had. i've got money. enough to get you back to the states. where are his things? everything? that's too bad. seltzer. you're a tough broad now, aren't you? i can only say i'm sorry so many times. a bronze piece, about this size. in the shape of the sun. probably broken off at the bottom. has a little hole in it, off-center. does that sound familiar? do you know where it is? three thousand. american. maybe. okay, five thousand. that's all i can give you now. i can get you more when you land in the states. i'm back, aren't i? you can trust me. why? i trust you. i've heard that. bossy, aren't you? tomorrow. hello. let's get out of here! it's here? forget it! i want you out of here. now! let's go! i owe you plenty! you're something! i knew the germans would hire you, sallah. they couldn't have an excavation in the desert without the best digger in egypt. tell me about the map room at tanis. those nazis are moving awfully fast. belloq. so he got away from the indians. this is going to be more interesting that i thought. even belloq won't be able to find it without that. can you make anything of those markings? they're nothing i'm familiar with. what is it, my friend? do you really need that monkey? and your brains. he'll be ok. come on. come on. run! get out of here! go, dammit! go! marion. too bad. i'm drinking alone. belloq. i ought to kill you right now. not a very private place for a murder. try the local sewer. now you're getting nasty. what about your boss, der fuhrer? i thought he was waiting to take possession. i hope your friends are patient. dangerous work, belloq. tell me, did you get away with the idol? you know, if it's god you want to talk to, maybe i can arrange it. yes. yes, i'll come now. thanks you. marion's dead. and they made the calculation in the map room? the well of the souls. just want i need. how 'bout the height of the staff? did belloq get it off of there? you said their top section was blank. are you absolutely sure? belloq's staff is seven and a half inches short. they're digging in the wrong spot! my god! they aren't kidding! what time does the sun hit the map? we haven't got much time. where are the germans digging for the well of the souls? okay. let's go. sallah. sallah! sallah! i though you were dead. they must have switched baskets. thank god for that! bless those bastards. have they hurt you? i have to leave you here for a little while. i know where the ark is. if i take you out of here they'll start combing the place for us. keep your voice down. look, you don't know how glad i am to see you. and i don't like doing this. but the whole thing will be shot if you don't just sit here quietly. they haven't hurt you in the last twenty-four hours, they aren't going to start now. i'll be back to get you in no time. there! the ark must be in that stone case. what's that gray stuff all over the floor - why snakes? why did it have to be snakes? anything else. lots of torches. and oil. i want a landing strip down there. don't touch it! never touch it! hurry up! why did it have to be snakes? what the - why don't you fellows come down here? i'll show you. don't panic. there's plenty of time for that later. wave that at anything that slithers. just watch the floor. there! come on! stay here! i'll be back in a minute. we're going through this wall. just keep your eyes open and get ready to run. no matter what happens to me. come on! i guess not. i think i'd be dead. absolutely. out. don't do that. it scares me. look! when the ark gets loaded, we're already going to be on that plane. get out! get out! where is it? you two get back to cairo quick and get us transportation to england - a plane, a ship, anything. i'm going to get that truck. i'll meet you at omar's. be ready for me. i don't know. i'm making this up as i go. it's lovely. that's what you look like. what would you like to recapture? did i ever say i was sorry i burned down your tavern? you saved my life. seems things have worked out kind of even. maybe we should consider all past accounts closed. what else? the engines have shut down. i'm going to find out. what's wrong? holy shit. damn! hold it. one move from anybody and i blow that box back to moses. what about you? talked to god yet? where's the girl? that depends on how reasonable we're all willing to be. all i want is the girl. we'll keep possession of the ark only till we've got safe transport to england. then it's all yours. then the ark and some of us are going up in a big bang. i don't think hitler would like that a bit. now i don't want to talk about this anymore. show me that girl in five seconds or - it's a bad habit. i'm trying to break it. thanks. if you talk to him, tell him i'm on my way up. marion! marion, can you hear me? hi. glad i could make it. let's get out of here. are you game? okay. let's do it. whatever you do, don't touch it. let's put it on the floor. we'll go down that side. shoot anyone who looks at us crosseyed. get down! that's a powerful force. research should be done - who? we may be able to help. yeah, like what? it's not the ark. but it'll have to do.