no person in sight. instead, we see a magnificent display of ancient artifacts. glass cases hold the velvet-couched pieces at random spots on the shining marble floor. we hear an odd sound. near the floor on the rear wall of the museum, a steel ventilation grate moves. a hand slides it gently across the marble. indy sticks his head out and looks around. a huge golden gong, seven feet in diameter, is suspended from the ceiling by a hook. an enormous hammer hangs poised above it, from which emanate myriad tiny threads which run up and across the ceiling, then down to the various display cases. indy looks up at the gong, then continues his quick, quiet foray among the cases. beyond him, a high window. indy arrives at his destination. the lovely, carved gold section of the headpiece is nested on purple velvet in a glass case. at the bottom of the piece is a round hollow where the staff would fit. there is a grunting sound behind indy and he spins, already reaching for his revolver. indy and the samurai face each other. they're both breathing hard from previous, no-contact passes at each other. now indy begins swinging the whip over his head again. it whizzes out toward the samurai's face. the samurai takes two lightning- quick cuts at the leather, but misses. indy swings for the samurai's feet; the japanese jumps nimbly, slashing at the whip. indy does it again. the samurai hops it. once more. the samurai is concentrating on hopping it. indy is at the case containing the headpiece. he smashes the glass with a samurai sword, reaches in and grabs the piece. immediately, behind him, the huge hammer falls and the sound of the gong thunders through the museum. the double doors at the entrance slam open to reveal hok. indy is halfway along an unprotected wall back to his ventilation entry route. hok opens up on him, cutting off his retreat. indy jumps behind a marble column, which is promptly blasted with machine gun fire.