all of allah's creatures are welcome here. you please us by letting us please you. all arabs look alike to them, indy. we found it three days ago. i broke through myself. the frenchman is helping them. i'm afraid this has put the germans close to finding the well of the souls. but i know someone who might. you can go to see him tomorrow. indy. something bothers me. it is the ark. if it is there, at tanis. it is not something man was meant to disturb. death has always surrounded it. it is not of this earth. i thought we would find you there. better than the united states marines, eh? yes, i know. i am sorry. more reason than ever to beat the bastards. life goes on, indy. there is the proof. i have much to tell you, indy. this morning. belloq and the boss german, shliemann. when they came out of the map room, we were given a new spot in which to dig. out away from the camp. about seventy-five inches. a home run, my friend, grand slam! we have a saying - "a little luck is better than much smartness." indy, pardner, you are very lucky fellow. bad dates. there! that is the map room! just after eight. asps. very dangerous. holy smoke, my friends! i am so pleased you are not dead. the ark! they're taking it on a truck to cairo.