the fuhrer is not a patient man. he demands constant reports and he expects progress. you led me to believe - my feeling exactly. she was in possession of the original piece for years. she may know much. if properly motivated. i'm surprised to find you squeamish. that is not your reputation. but it needn't concern you. i have the perfect man for this kind of work. i'm afraid we must be going now, dr. jones. our prize is awaited in berlin. but i do not wish to leave you down in that awful place. . all alone. she is of no use to us. only our mission for the fuhrer matters. i wonder sometimes, monsieur, if you have that clearly in mind. stay with the ark! sabotage! have it put on the truck. we'll fly out of cairo. and gobler - i want plenty of protection. if anything happens to that ark, we're all dead men ! the fuhrer will see to it! take it aboard the wurrfler! what about jones? savage. you are not in a position to ask for anything. we will take what we wish and then decide whether or not to blow your ship from the water. what do you think, captain? yet. let the vermin live. we must be on our way. i am uncomfortable with the thought of this - jewish ritual. are you sure it's necessary? doctor jones, surely you don't think you can escape from this base. if we refuse? jones, this is the second time i have seen you looking very foolish. i'll help you. this time i'll kill you myself. stop them! kill them!