just a routine inspection tour. interested in local curios? charming. that god all that mumbo jumbo rubbish is disappearing. of course. admittedly, it's taken time. britian's controlled india for almost two hundred eyars now. this is a different situation, dr. jones. these people are like children. we have to lead them slowly into the twentieth century. no, he's a very shrewd old boy. power behind the throne and all that. he actually runs this whole province. i believe we're being called to dinner. of course. the thuggees were an obscenity that worshipped kali with human sacrifices. the brit- ish army wiped them out about the time of the mutiny of 1857. i'm not worried, prime minister, just interested. i'm sure it's nothing. just ru- mors. what was it they claimed was stolen? rather bizarre menu, woundn't you say? jones isn't in his room. miss scott -- my troops are leaving at dawn if you want us to escort you to delhi -- what? who? miss scott panicked? did you discover anything in that tunnel, dr. jones? well, mr. prime minister, my re- port will duly note that we found nothing unusual here in pankot. as i said before, we'd be happy to escort you to delhi.