lao she. wah hung how, nee nah? wah hwey hung jing chee jah loo nee kao soo wah shu shu. i don't like to show off. sure, i found him. then last night i had a little trouble. somebody tried to slit my throat. next time i'll cut off more than his finger. as i recall the deal was consid- erably more. put the gun away, sonny. now i suggest you pay me what you promised -- or your girlfriend here is going to be squealing a new tune. try again lao -- the deal was more. what's that? inside are the remains of nur- hachi -- the first emperor of the manchu dynasty. let go of her, lao. and give me the antidote. no, wu han's an old friend i brought along. so, the game's not over. put the antidote on the table, lao. wu han -- listen to me -- i'm going to get you out of here. the antidote -- ! look out, damn it, i need that antidote! hey,doll! don't move! step on it, short round! relax, i've been giving him lessons. don't get your hopes up -- where's the antidote? poison never agrees with me. pull a right, short round, and head for the wang poo bridge! somehow i think you've got bigger problems. the airport. no, look out, short round! left, left! you got the tickets, short round? wu han's not coming, shorty. siam. thanks, weber. since i was nice enough to let you tag along, why don't you give your mouth a rest? okay, doll? oh yeah? we there yet? no. do you? short round, what in the hell are you doing? get over here, damn it! short round, come on, grab onto me tight! okay, shorty. india. he told me they knew i was coming here. the old man saw it in a dream. he said that's whey they were at river -- they were waiting for the plane to fall down. that's more food than these people eat in a week. they're starving, too. we'd appreciate that. this was an unexpected detour. we'll have to go to delhi now and find a flight west. i'm a professor. i have to re- turn to the university. can you give us a guide to take us to delhi? thank you. pankot isn't on the way to delhi. hasn't the pankot palace been de- serted since the mutiny of 1857? i don't understand. what's hap- pened here? what evil? it's a sacred stone in a shine that's supposed to protect a village. nobody brought us here. our plane crashed. we were shot down by -- it's just superstition, shorty. like a ghost story. was the stone very smooth? it was probably brought here from a sacred river. and it had three lines painted across it? the lines represent the three levels of the universe. i've seen stones like the one you lost. but why would the maharajah take this sacred stone? he says that when the sacred stone was taken the village wells dried up first and then the river stopped. he says their crops dies and then the animals died. and then they took their children. he says one night there was a fire in the fields. the men went to fight it. when they came back, they heard the women crying in the darkness. and the children were gone. i'm sorry, i don't know how i can help you here. i have friends in delhi and i will make sure they investigate this. it was destined that i came here -- and the future cannot be changed. sankara. damn it , willie, get on -- we've got to move out! nope, you got a little surprise over there, shorty. all right, let's go. i want to get to pankot before tomorrow night. those aren't birds -- those are giant bats. i think maybe we'll camp here. hey, willie -- i think you better get out now. me seduce you? honey, you're the one who took your clothes off. i just came over to remind you that you never know what else might be in the water. don't worry, i'm coming in! what is it? a what? uh, listen -- willie -- i got a better idea. first of all -- don't panic! don't let it pull you deeper! don't let it curl around you! listen, willie. do exactly what i tell you now. can you move your arm? okay, i want you to lift your hand -- and pet the snake. yes, stroke it right along the maxillary and precaudal verte- brae. pet it on the head! go on, pet it! keep stroking it! that's good -- you're doing fine. see -- i got you out. i know the feeling. i met short round when he tried to pick my pocket. by the way, how'd you end up in shanghai? what about the future? i'd like to find one of those myself. yeah, but he's got to be dead and buried for a couple of thousand years. fortune and glory. maybe. something that kid gave me last night. it's a piece of an old manuscript. it's sanskrit. it tells the story of sankara climbing mt. kalisa where he met the hindu god shiva. legend says he told sankara to go forth and combat evil. to do that he gave him five sacred stones that had magical powers. it could be. i think you should sleep closer. i meant for safety. couldn't keep away, huh? still scared? okay, willie, you can get closer if you want. honey, i knew you'd be the first one to give in. that's it. pankot palace. just a statue. he said he couldn't take us any farther. he has to go sell the elephants. any more complaints? it doesn't feel like there's been any permanent damage. hello?. . lost? no, we're not lost. we're on our way to delhi. this is miss scott -- and mr. round. my name's indiana jones. we'd appreciate it if the mahara- jah would let us stay tonight. we'll be on out way in the morn- ing. you look like a princess. i've always had a weakness for folk dancing. no. but i am interested in the occult. and this is a krtya. it's like the voodoo dolls of west africa. the kryta represents your enemy -- and gives you complete power over him. you think so? you're hanging on better here than you did in america. the prime minister doesn't seem that naive. maybe he likes older women. cheer up, you lost your prince, but dinner's on the way. we are honored to be here. i had a question, mr. prime mini- ster. i was examining some of the maharajah's artifacts. yes, very fine. but not all of the pieces look old. some were carved recently and look like images used by the thuggees to worship the god- des kali. i suppose stories of the thuggees die hard. well, i don't know. we came here from a small village and the peas- ants there told us that the pankot palace was growing powerful again -- becuase of some ancient evil. maybe. but how do you explain the thuggee shrine i saw right below the palace? you know the villagers also claimed that this palace stole something from them. sorry, i thought we were just talking about folklore. something magical. a sacred rock. when they lost this rock their fields and animals dies. they also said their children were taken from them. i was dubious muself at first. then something connected -- the village's rock and the old legend of the sankara stones. the newspapers exaggerated the incident that was a misunderstanding. i'm sorry if i've offended you. even if they were trying to scare us away, a devout hindu would never touch meat. makes you wonder what these people are. we're guests here, shorty. you wish is my command, your highness. okay, short round, let go of it. you don't like him do you? no. he was afraid of you. he knows a tough guy when he sees one. i better see how willie is. i brought you something. no -- real food. wearing your jewels to be, prin- cess? i'm a scientist. i like doing research on certain "nocturnal activities" -- and mating customs. you're taling to an authority in that area. you want me so bad, why don't you invite me? i think you're too used to get- ting you own way, willie. don't catch cold. you're dreaming, willie. you want to make it real, just knock on my door. five minutes. fat chance. want me to be her palace slave! okay, shorty . see you in the morning. i'm going to have a little -- word with willie. it's okay, it's over -- go turn off the fan. this a cheap trick to get me over here? what -- the bug? gee, i wouldn't want to touch an ugly critter like that! you know, willie, i'll bet he's mad because they were eating his friends for dinner. * . "follow in the footsteps of shiva. do not betray his truth." * lock your door and don't leave until we get back. you're right, there's something all over the floor. there's a chamber here. come on -- damn! yes, we're in here. uh -- willie?! willie, you better get down here! willie, come here! hurry up, we're in trouble!! willie, damn it! get down here, willie?! move, willie! faster! willie, open the door! get us out of here! get us out! willie, shut up and listen! there's got to be a ful- crum release! look around! a fulcrum release lever! look around, willie! there's got to be a liever hidden somewhere! come on, you can do it! that's it -- the release lever -- look inside! reach inside! the lever! willie, do it! now! willie! not that one! we had enought of that one, thank you. it's a thuggee ceremony. they're whorshipping kali, the goddess of death and destruction. no. the heart's still beating! quiet! the village knew their rock was magic -- but they didn't know it was one of the lost sankara stones. legend says that when the stones are brought together the diamonds inside of them will glow. okay -- now listen -- you wait here and keep quiet. shorty, keep an eye on her. i'm going down. i'm not leaving without those stones. maybe. someday. not today. why? what is that? nobody's perfect. the way i heard it, you stole one of them from a small village. two are still missing. that's what you've got these chil- dren -- these slaves digging for? nobody can say you don't have a vivid imagination. what're we playing, hid and seek? it's okay. you're all right now. hey, i thought you were supposed to be a real tropper. willie? you've got to go to sleep now. i don't blame you. this hasn't been what you'd call a fun vaca- tion. i've spent by life crawling around in caves and tunnels -- i shouldn't have let somebody like willie go in there with me. when she saw the insects she passed out cold. i carried her back to her room. she was sleeping when i re-entered the tunnel to look around. then she must have run out of the room and you found her. nothing. just a dead end. that tunnel's been deserted for years. thanks, but i don't think willie is ready to travel yet. yes. yes, they believe you. no. they won't kill me. you won't lose me, willie. no! i've found it -- you can't -- kali knows! -- been too many lies -- there's no god's heaven -- just -- the horror! i've seen it -- life preying on life! -- rivers -- destroying mountains -- a comet in space -- exploding! aaahh! -- the screams -- pitiful people -- their pain -- the hate -- and greed -- always greed! -- but i've found -- kali's touch! death -- no more lies -- the death i've been searching for! quit crying! she can hear you -- kali knows fear -- don't you under- stand -- kali is freedom! yes, i understand. kali ma protects us now and for- ever, and we must pledge our devotion by worshipping her with an offering of flesh and blood! no! give him to me! come on, quick! we're going to get them out of here -- ! ah, sir? excuse me -- no, wait! there's got to be another way out. those empty cars have got to go out of the mines. go! we've got to get across to the empty cars. wait here until i signal you. come on! i see the problem. come here and take the brake! let up on the brake! let her go! our only chance is outrunning them! get over on the other side! one down, one to go! yeah -- this time you're gonna help! okay -- one -- two -- now! okay, shorty, hit the brakes! grab onto me -- i'm going to try and slow us down from underneath! what's wrong? ouch. there! dive! lucky i found a short cut. look, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. willie -- the bridge! climb up to the bridge! let my friends go! you want the stones, let them go and call off your guards! then i guess we're all going to take a big dive! mola ram -- you're about to meet kali -- in hell! you're betrayed shiva. * not quite. yes, i've seen its power the last sankara stone. well, you didn't get your prince, and there goes your diamond. it's still a long way to delhi. who knows what might happen.