you were caught trying to steal the sankara stones. there were five stones in the beginning. over the centuries they were dispersed by wars, sold off by thieves like you. no. they are here -- somewhere. a century ago when the british raided this temple and butchered my people, a loyal priest his the last two stones down here in the catacombs. they dig for the gems to support our cause. they also search for the last two stones. soon we will have all five sankara stones and the thuggees will be all powerful! you do not believe me? you will, dr. jones. you will become a true believer. hold him! the british in india will be slaughtered. then we will over- run the moslems and force their "allah" to bow to kali. they've stolen the sankara stones -- they must be stopped! you are in no position to give orders, dr. jones. impressive, dr. jones. but i don't believe you would kill yourself! give me the stones! no, the stones are mine!