on the way to delhi, you will stop at pankot. you will go to palace there. no. now there is new maharajah -- and palace is powerful again. the evil starts in pankot. then like monsoon, it moves darkness over all country. they came from palace and took sivalinga from out village. it is why krishna brought you here. no. we pray to krishna to help us find the stone. it was krishna who made you fall from sky -- so you can got to pankot palace. to find siva- linga -- and bring back to us. long ago -- before my father's father. they say we must pray to their evil god. we say we will not. you will find them when you find sivlalinga. no, you will got to pankot. we know you are coming back -- -- when life returns to our village. now you see the magic of the "rock" you bring back.